Chapter 9: Lead Me Into the Light

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A/N This is short guys! And I am sorry but I reached the perfect place to end it so I did! I hope to be updating the other stories in The Electra Series very soon! So keep your eyes open!


Electra’s POV

      I couldn’t believe Brett had tried to put the Doctor on Arod, Brett of all people should know that as soon as Arod hears my voice he gets all excited and freaks out. Thank God the Doctor was okay though. He stood in front of me brushing the dust off the ridiculous looking clothes he was wearing.

    After he was done he turned to the horse. “Now Arod that wasn’t very nice.” There was a pause as Arod made a few horse noises and the Doctor shook his head. “I don’t care if you love Lee, it’s not nice to throw people off.”

     “Wait, Doctor, you speak horse?” I asked as the Doctor gave Arod a pat on the neck and turned to face me. “Why of course! The TARDIS has a universal translator it translates every language, including horse and baby.”

    “That’s pretty handy.” I said as I took him by the arm. “Come on Doctor, we need to go get you cleaned up.” I began to lead him back towards the house, and I could have sworn all of the guys gave him a thumbs up.

    I took the Doctor up the stairs to the bathroom and he went and changed his clothes before coming back and sitting on the counter by the sink. “Turns out I scraped my elbow when I got tossed.” He said as he bent his arm and held it up so I could see.

 “Okay hang on” I reached under the sink and grabbed the peroxide and a cotton ball. “What are you doing?” He asked as I put the peroxide on the cotton ball and looked at him. “Cleaning this out silly, now hold still.”

    He clenched his eyes shut and as soon as the cotton ball touched his elbow he pulled back. “Ow! That hurt!” He said holding his elbow and looking at me. “Oh stop it you big baby and hold still.” I said as I grabbed his arm and began to dab the cotton ball on the cut.

     “Okay all done!” I said a minute later and the Doctor hopped off of the counter. “Thanks Electra.” “You’re welcome, hey I was thinking about maybe heading back out again, maybe going off into space and seeing a few things?” I said and he nodded.

     “Sure! That sounds like fun, how about we leave tonight?” he said and I nodded. “Sounds good to me, and we can be back Mandy’s wedding next week.” I finished and he nodded again before leaving the room.

Doctor’s POV

     Me and Electra had agreed to leave at midnight, it was a cliché time but it’s what we agreed on. It was currently 11:59 as I stood by the TARDIS looking towards the house. “Boo!” Someone said behind me as I spun around to find Electra standing there in Jeans, boots, a leather jacket and t-shirt.

    “Did I scare you?” She asked with a smile and I shook my head. “Awww not even a little bit?” She asked pouting. “Okay maybe a little bit.” I said and she smiled again. “Yay! Now let’s get going!” She said as she unlocked the TARDIS and hopped inside.

    I followed her in and shut the door. “Okay Electra where to?” I asked as she wandered around the controls. “I don’t know, what’s the coolest place you can think of?” She asked and I thought for a minute.

   “Okay! I’ve got it!” I exclaimed as I ran over to Electra and showed her witch switches to pull. Pretty soon we landed and Electra ran to the doors the threw them open. I heard her gasp as she left the TARDIS and I followed after her.

     “Were on Silencia 9 in the Calencia galaxy.” I said as she stood in awe of the planet. Its gravity was lower than Earth’s so much so that all of the smaller particles of Dust, rocks and ice floated in the air.

   The sun’s rays reflected off of the ice crystals creating a lighted effect that was spectacular and this is what Electra stood gaping at about twenty feet outside of the TARDIS. I walked over to her and watched as she studied the planet her eyes sparkling the entire time.

   “It’s beautiful.” She whispered as a rumbling started in the distance and me and Electra both turned around in time to see a giant ship speed over our heads and take off in the opposite direction.

     “Doctor? Is that supposed to happen?” Electra asked and I shook my head. “It most certainly is not! Come on!” I yelled as I took her hand and we set off in the direction the ship went. I pulled out my sonic and scanned to find out that it had landed about a mile and a half away.

A/N Once again I am so sorry its so short! I really really am! Please dont hurt me!


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