Chapter 11: Infect Me With Your Love.

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A/N Hi guys! New chapter! I dont think its overly long but it isnt drastically short either! I hope to be working on FIAD very soon and hopefully that update will be next! Anyway enjoy everyone!


Electra’s POV

     Almost as soon as our adventure had begun, it ended, me and the Doctor were ushered back to our TARDIS and an escort went with us to ensure we went back to Gallifrey like we were told to do.

     I landed the TARDIS back on Gallifrey and we all stepped out. Everyone was standing around waiting for us. I wasn’t sure if we were in trouble, or if they just wanted to go over what happened with us.

           We were ushered down mazes and corridors that even I hadn’t explored and from the look on the Doctor’s face I could tell he had been here, but not often. I began to get a little nervous as we turned down a hall that had one door at the end of it.

    We reached the door and went in, inside it was set up like an office, but an old office, there was a giant desk made of some sort of white wood that almost seemed to glow eerily, there were lamps and bookshelves and only one chair behind the desk.

   There was a man sitting in that chair, and as soon as I saw him I recognized him immediately, he was the head of the Gallifreyan High Council, and certainly not someone I wanted to see. “Hello Doctor, Electra, I hear you discovered a bit of trouble while on an ‘adventure’” He accented the word ‘adventure’ as if it were a bad thing two naughty teenagers were doing.

     “Actually the way I see it is, we stopped or at least delayed trouble while on a trip.” I said with a glare and the Doctor shook his head so slightly and pursed his lips I think only I noticed. “Ah yes, the little Halfling strikes back.” The Councilman said with a touch of what might have been a smile on his lips.

   “We truly have missed you of late my dear.” The councilman continued “The feeling isn’t mutual.” I replied with a sneer. “Enough, I will not spend my time bickering with a half-wit child.” The councilman turned to the Doctor disregarding me entirely.

     I crossed my arms over my chest and did my best not to interrupt as the Councilman’s full attention was turned on the Doctor. “You left without permission.” The Doctor’s face took on a guilty look as the councilman began what I could tell was going to be an onslaught.

      “High Council…” The Doctor began but he was soon cut-off as the Councilman spoke. “As far as I see it, you have no excuse sir.” The Doctor closed and opened his mouth a few times as if trying to find something that would spare his fate.

   I bit the inside of my lip, then I bit my lip, pretty soon I could taste blood, I was trying not to interfere, I knew the Doctor wouldn’t want me too, but it wasn’t just his fault, so I did what I knew was right, I spoke up.

    “Councilman, it is not his fault, I was going to leave and the Doctor insisted he come with me to make sure I didn’t come to harm.” I said quickly as the Doctor and Councilman’s heads whipped to look at me, the Doctor looked angry and relieved, the councilman angered and almost amused.

    “It was not your place to speak Halfling.” The councilman said using that horridly racist nickname certain Time Lords had decided to call me. “It may not be what you consider to be my place, but where I come from my Aunt taught me never to lie, and what I just told you is the truth.” I stood my ground, I even took a few steps forward.

   My hope was that he wouldn’t be as hard on me as he would be on the Doctor, mainly because I don’t know all of the rules, and I am new, not to mention he considers me a stupid Halfling.

     He looked at me for a minute, then he rubbed his chin with his hand. “Despite what you have told me, and choosing to believe it, Gildrek is still out there, you must stay here until he is either caught or killed.” The councilman said and even more anger than I thought I had bubbled up.

  “Oh no! He doesn’t want anything to do with me! And I have my cousins wedding to attend!” I announced with more than a hint of a threat in my voice. “I don’t care about your plans, Gildrek is one that is after revenge and you two are the first ones on his mind, you must be protected, we can’t be sure as to how dangerous he is.”

    “You know I can see why you would want to protect the Doctor, but me you don’t care about, you really just want to use us a bait don’t you?” I asked and the Council smirked. “You are very clever, but its not just me… it’s the entire Council.” With that the door swung open and the council pointed at it.

   “You will be escorted to a safe house where you will remain until further notice.” With that the guards appeared and we were escorted from the room.

Doctor’s POV

     A Week! We had been here a whole week! Electra had been stir crazy from day one, but now what she had is what humans would define as rabid cabin fever. She paced around the house all day like a cat waiting for its prey.

     Somehow I had a feeling that prey was the High Council. I tried to stay out of her way after I realized that making small talk wasn’t going to help her feel any better, I don’t even want to know what will happen if she misses her cousins wedding… even if she does have a time machine missing it is still missing it.

     I watched her from a chair as she paced around the house looking angry and annoyed, she stalked over to me as I watched and slammed down onto the couch, folding her arms over her chest.

    “Sorry I haven’t been a very good cellmate.” She said sadly and I shrugged before answering. “Its alright that you are upset, although pouting really isn’t going to get you anywhere.” I said quietly hoping she wouldn’t be mad at me for saying so.

     She shrugged and nodded a bit, “I would have just broken out, but I figured that would be a worse idea.” She gave me a small smile after she said that and I eagerly returned it. We sat there for a few minutes not saying anything and I watched her out of the corner of my eye.

    I knew I should probably tell her how I had been feeling lately, but I couldn’t bring myself too. The fear of her not feeling the same way was too much to bear. Why I even felt this way was a mystery to me. Time Lords never put much thought into romance or love, sure we married but many of us were too focused on our jobs and projects to learn how to truly love someone.

     She smiled at me sweetly and I knew I had been busted, I cleared my throat and smiled back. “Are you okay?” She asked kindly, I could tell she had been sitting there trying to calm down. “Yes, of course I am perfectly alright.” I said a bit nervously, I hoped she didn’t notice. If she did she didn’t say, all she did was smile again.

Feedback is appreciated! I love reading all of your guys' reaction to the chapters in the comments! They seriously make my day! Some of them make me laugh so hard!


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