chapter 3 - Part I

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Louis smiled as he saw that his mum was already online. He clicked her name and typed “hi mum, get the girls; I’m ready to say hello to you all.” He continued smiling to himself as he waited a moment before the call came. He clicked the answer with video button and his smile widened as the faces of his mum and four younger sisters appeared. Lottie smiled at him as he appeared, the twins jumping up and down in excitement, Felicity just standing there like normal. His mum had the widest smile there as she called, “hey boo bear, how are you?” “I’d be a lot better if you stopped calling me that, but I’m fine mum; how are you all?” he laughed. Lottie smiled and said “I’m fine Lou, and the twins are as hyper as ever so they’re good.”

His mum smiled and said “Louis, we’re fine, tell us about your trip, how’s the first day been?” Louis smiled before replying, his mum always wanted the gossip on his life. “It’s been pretty good thanks mum, the place seems nice enough, the lads all seem cool, especially Harry, he’s my roommate, he’s in the shower right now though.” The girls all laughed but his mum arched an eyebrow, “I thought you were getting separate rooms though?” she asked him. “so did we mum, there was a bit of a mix up with the rooms on our floor, there’s one too few so me and Harry volunteered to share.” He smiled, not realising he was blushing slightly.

“Boo Bear, is that a blush I see?” his mum teased him, wondering if her suspicions he would come out as gay sooner or later would be confirmed. She hadn’t told anybody else what she suspected, but she certainly thought it was only a matter of time before he came out. She felt a little sorry for Eleanor, she was such a nice girl, and she clearly loved Louis, but Louis never seemed quite as happy with her as he had at the start of their relationship.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about mum, and please stop calling me that” Louis pined, turning a deep scarlet. He really hated it when his mum did things like that to him. Lottie burst into fits of laughter as she watched her brother squirm; those two had always been the closer of the 5 siblings. Always helping each other out in any way they could.

“Anyways Lou, if you don’t mind, I’ve got quite a lot to be  getting on with, but I’ll let the girls keep chatting,” his mum smiled. “No mum, that’s fine, I need a little chat with Lottie anyways,” he smiled back, his checks slowly regaining their normal colour as the blood drained away from them. He wanted a private talk with Lottie, so he had a plan to get rid of the others; he knew a “private” conversation would be difficult. Luckily he had a plan. He’d got a few bits for the younger sisters and hidden a treasure trail all over the house, and there were some fairly tricky clues there.

“Hey, girls? Who wants to do a little treasure hunt I set up before I left?” He smiled as the twins faces lit up. Felicity looked a little less impressed than the twins, but she was smiling all the same as she replied, “Ok Lou, we’ll do this so you can chat to Lottie in peace, I hope you got me some good prizes,” she winked at him as she finished, collecting the first set of clues (they had one each) from the little draw under the desk they were all crowded around. They all disappeared to follow the trail, leaving Louis and Lottie alone together on skype. “Don’t worry Lottie, you get a prize separate, but I’m getting that in London so you’ll get it when I get back,” Louis smiled, but eventually it faltered, he knew that Lottie would understand, just as he always did when she had problems, but they kept it secret as best they could to protect everyone else from being affected.

“Thanks Lou, so what’s bothering you?” She asked, her soft voice helping Louis relax so he could tell her everything. Louis wondered where to begin, the start of his problems today had been the weird feeling he got when he saw Harry, so he figured that would be a good place to start. “Well, you know I said I’m sharing a room with Harry?” he began, playing with his hair the way he always did when he was talking about his problems. “Yeah, and you started blushing as well,” Lottie said, hiding her smile. “Well my stomach felt really knotted when I first met him earlier, and it’s kept doing it whenever he looks at me. It’s just weird considering I’ve only just met him. On top of that, I think I’m falling out of love with Eleanor, as lovely as she is I just don’t think I love her anymore and I have no idea why. It’s just all so confusing and I really don’t know what to do” he finished, looking at her almost pleadingly for answers.

Lottie considered what he had just said for a moment before replying, “Louis, I think I know what’s happening, but I’m not sure I can just tell you straight up, I’m not entirely sure yet and this is something it would be better for you to discover yourself if I’m right, but I’ll try and work out if I am right, and if it’s still really bothering you tomorrow evening, text me and I’ll try help you sort it out.” “Thanks Lottie, I appreciate it” Louis smiled, appreciating just how much Lottie seemed to be maturing in order to allow her maturity to match the upper part of his, he could actually be quite mature if he needed to be, he just preferred not to sometimes.

“No worries Louis, we’ll always be here for each other, you know that” Lottie smiled, just as the bathroom door opened. Harry walked out, a towel wrapped around him from his waist to his knees, but leaving his upper body completely bare. Louis spun in his chair and Lottie got a quick glimpse as he grabbed a pile of clothes from his bed and returned to the bathroom.  Lottie had a smile as Louis’ concentration returned to her, his cheeks flushed pink. “What are you smiling at now?” Louis smirked, suspecting he knew what was coming. “Just wondering if he’s single, nah I’m kidding, I’m just laughing because you’re blushing,” she teased, causing his cheeks to further redden. “I am not,” Louis pined, as Harry grabbed his clothes and returned to the bathroom.

“anyways Louis, I guess you better get going soon, Harry will be done soon and I assume you need to get ready as well.” Lottie smiled, Louis had plenty to do and she didn’t want to distract him too much, especially not when she was perfectly happy for a change. Tonight, Louis was getting help with his problems, and she didn’t have any. Louis nodded, he did indeed need to get himself ready for the briefing, he could skype Eleanor after; he didn’t care if Harry saw that. “Call everyone else back then, I need to say bye to everyone.” Louis laughed, he knew that he would want to skype them all again before he returned home. He bade his family a final farewell and ended the call. As he did so, he slowly rose from his seat. Louis stretched his arms above his head, not realising he was flexing in the process, just as Harry came out of the bathroom in his smart clothes ready for the evening. Harry was amazed at how for somebody with such a small frame; Louis’ muscles seemed to be really quite powerfully built. Louis got himself changed quickly, deciding he hadn’t really had a busy enough day to need a shower, just spaying on his favourite choice of deodorant instead. Louis and Harry were ready to head back down together.


ok, now that bit is done, the VERY IMPORTANT BIT!!!!! As some of you may know, it's @beautifulnightmare2 's birthday soon (22nd) and I want you guys to help me make it special for her. I have a 1D card for her, and I want as many of you guys as possible to leave a message for her, in the comments (comment "bday message for Lana"), in my inbox, or on my message board. As I won't see her until the 23rd, you will have until about 1AM on the 23rd (UK time) to get the messages to me. There's no limit on how much/little you can write, you could write a simple happy birthday or a poem or whatever, but every single individual message will be written in that card, so if you would be happy to help, it would be much appreciated

also, you may notice this is part I, part II will be like happening at the same time as this part, but it will be like in Niall's room instead. I'm not sure how long it will take to write up but hopefully not too long.

hope you enjoy it :)


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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2013 ⏰

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