Chapter 10

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I stand in the woods, frozen for a long time. The sudden brutality of what I've just witnessed has not yet sunk in. As the sun sets and darkness envelops me like a lover, I move my stiff legs slowly in the direction of the road. My bones feel frigid and it takes longer than expected to arrive home. I come in as Mrs Johnson is laying the table. "Dinner will be 5 minutes dear," she says and I nod minutely, before heading upstairs. I change into some sweats and tie my hair up in a sloppy ponytail.

After dinner Adam notices my strange behaviour but doesn't comment. When I begin my way upstairs for bed, he touches my arm lightly to stop me. He looks right into my eyes and I feel his warmth from his aura seep into me slowly, and I welcome it with open arms. I pull him into a hug and he whispers into my ear. "I'm here for you to talk to, okay," I nod and give him a small smile.

That night I cannot sleep, and the next day passes by in a blur of hard stares from Chelsea and halloween giggle from Taylor, who has even managed to get Ember to agree to join in. Though I secretly think she wanted to anyway.

As the day draws to a close, I sit on the trampoline in the back yard with my book. "It's a bit cold to be outside isn't it?" Adam says as he strides over, a smile playing on his lips. The tight burgundy sweater he wears hugs his muscles tightly and I can't help but be mesmerised as I watch him walk. Just his presence brings a smile to my lips and I hold him tightly as he joins me on the trampoline.We lie back.

"Well I've got you to keep me warm now, haven't I?" I say as I snuggle into his neck. He chuckles at me and draws me in close.

"Yes, you have." he says and lifts my chin up to place a delicate kiss on my lips. We lie and watch the silhouettes of the trees in the dying sun for a while, before Kayleigh comes bounding out.

"Addy! Addy! Ash!" she squeals as she races over to us.

"Shouldn't you be in bed, Kay?" Adam asks.

"Stop being such a downer Adam! Do you want to know what I've got to say or not?" she says, and puts her hand on her hip. The gesture makes me laugh.

"Come on then, tell us!" I say.

"Flowers. Everywhere! They're covering all the roads and everything! Come see!" She exclaims, tugging on my arm. We let her pull us through the house and into the street. I stop dead.

There's lilies everywhere.

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