Chapter 25

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Hey everyone I hope you like the chapter. Thank you so much for reading. 

Sara's POV 

We had just arrived at my doctors appointment. Today's the day we get to find out the gender of our little munchkin. To be honest I'm super excited and nervous. I want a girl so I can dress her up in cute little tutus but I also want a boy because I found this really cute onesie that says "Stud Muffin". I know I'll be happy with either so it doesn't matter that much. 

"Sara Padalecki." A nurse called.

I looked over to Jared, "Really?"

"Hey it'll happen so enough so why not get used to it." He replied.

I just smiled and laced fingers with his. We slowly walked behind the nurse. When we arrived at the room she explained what was going to happen. 

"Now do you want to know the gender or do you want it to be a surprise?" She asked.

"We want to know." Jared answered.

"Okay." She moved the little wand thing over my belly which she had put goo on earlier.

"Well what is it?" I asked anxiously. 

"If you look right here," she pointed at the screen, "you'll be able to see that it's a-." 

After the Appointment

"Can you believe that's what we're having?" I asked excitedly.

"I can't wait for our little munchkin to be here." Jared replied.

"Now that we know it's gender we can start decorating their room." 

"Yeah about that," Jared said nervously, "I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me."

He looked so nervous, it was so adorable. 

"Of course Jared. Why wouldn't I?" I smiled.

He gave me a hug, "I was so worried you would say no. I'm not such what I would have done if you said no. I thi-." 

I cut his rambling off by kissing him. He kissed back instantly and it was complete bliss. I don't know what I would do without him.

2 days later

Cas was shocked when I told her I was moving in with Jared. At first she was mad that I was leaving her but then she understood. She told me she was happy for us and said I wasn't allowed to move anything heavy.

"Sara can I throw you a baby shower?" Cas asked.

I gave her a look, "I don't really know a lot of people here Cas. I don't want my baby shower to be full of people I don't know."

"But what about your friends from work? Can I invite them?" She asked hopefully.

I sighed,"I haven't seen them in awhile. I'm pretty sure they're not gonna want to come. Now that I think about it I'm probably out of a job."

"Why do you say that?" 

"I was just starting out when this happened," I said while gesturing to my stomach,"and Cheri wasn't too happy when I finally told her. So after this baby is born and I am done recovering I will have to find a new job." 

"Don't think of the negatives just be happy. Think about it when the baby is here." She said while sitting down next to me.

"I guess you're right." I smiled.

"Now you need to finish packing, Jared will be here soon." 

"But that's a lot of work and I'm pregnant so you should do it." 

"Hey I'm only here to lift heavy things, which I'm not really good at." She put her hands up in defense.

"Fine." I got up to help with the packing.

By the time we finish Jared had just arrived. I helped to the best of my ability but Jared wouldn't let me do much. He said that he didn't want me overexerting myself. So most of the time I was supervising which wasn't that bad. I got to tell people what to do so I was happy. 

Once they were done loading my stuff in the car it was time to go. To be honest I am kind of sad to leave this place. But now I'll get to spend even more time with Jared. 

"Well I guess that's everything." Cas said.

"Yeah looks like it." I said

"I can't believe you're leaving me, now I'm gonna be all alone." She said with fake hurt.

I sighed,"I know it's just so sad."

"Come on you two," Jared butted in, "You'll see each other everyday, you will be fine."

"Hmm what if I decided that I wanted to stay here, would you kill me for making you move all my stuff?"

"Yes." Cas laughed.

"Of course," Jared chuckled, "Now let's get going, we have to unpack all of this when we get there."

"You have to, not me." 

"Don't push it. I might just push all your stuff out of my car."

"You wouldn't." 

"Don't tempt me." 

"Well Cas we better get going." I said, "See you tomorrow?"

"Definitely." She hugged me.

Jared and I walked to the car hand in hand. He opened my door for me and helped me in.

"I'm pregnant not disabled." 

"I'm just trying to be a gentleman." He laughed.

"Yeah yeah. Just get me home so you can make me dinner."

"Why do I have to?" He complained.

 "Because I want to sleep when we get home. This has been a tiring day."

"Whatever you say." He closed his door.

"You know I'm right." I smirked.

"I'll only do it if you give me a kiss." 

I pretended to think for a bit, "Do I really want dinner that badly?"

"Just shut up and kiss me." 

"Isn't this usually the other way around?" I teased, "Okay fine get over here."

He brought his lips down to meet mine. Just like every other kiss I felt completely serene. We both pulled away breathless.

"Now you can make me dinner." I said triumphantly.


Hey cupcakes so I finally decided to update. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please leave me your comments and suggestions to make the story better below. I do not know when I will update again but hopefully it will be in the next 2 weeks. Thank you so much for reading.




<3 Sarah <3 

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