Chapter 3

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Jared's POV

I was on my way to the set when I ran straight into someone. They started to fall but before they hit the ground I caught them. I quickly apologized as she opened her eyes. I could tell she knew who I was by how starstruck she was.

"No it's my fault. Sorry Jared." She said.

"It's okay neither of us were looking where we were going." I replied.

"I just didn't want you to think I was some crazed fan throwing myself at you."

"I take it you watch Supernatural."

She blushed and looked down, "Maybe?"

"You're so cute when you blush."

"Thanks. Oh could you show me where Castiel's is? I'm on lunch right now and really need some food."

"Sure follow me." I smiled.

Sara's POV

I can not believe I just met Jared Padalecki. And now he's taking me to lunch. Dreams do come true haha. Now just remember not to freak out at the things he says and we'll be fine.

"Sara." He said while waving his hand by my face.

"Huh what?" I asked confused.

"I said we are here. Now let's go eat." He held the door open for me.

"You're eating with me?"

"Well I wouldn't want a beautiful girl to eat alone now would I?"

I blushed, "How kind of you."

We sat down in a booth and started to look over the menus. Right now my main goal is to not scared Jared away. People kept staring at us and I started to feel nervous.

"So what's your name?" He asked.

"Sara. Sara Brown. And I already know your name."

"Haha. I take it you're a fan of Supernatural."

"Yupp. It's a really great show." I gushed.

"Why are you in California?"

"Oh I got some modeling jobs. This is my first day working and it's been a very eventful day."

He chuckled, "I bet. I feel very honored to be in the presence of a beautiful model."

"Stop making me blush." I playfully hit his arm.

"You kno-." He got cut off by my phone.

I mouthed sorry as I picked it up.

C: Sara where the hell are you?

S: At lunch with a friend.

C: Look we need you back now.

S: But you said I have two hours. I haven't even eaten yet.

C: I don't care come back now.

S: Fine. Let me say goodbye to Jared and I'll be off.

C: I thought you said you didn't know anyone in California.

S: I didn't but now I know Jared Padalecki.

C: The actor?

S: Yes

C: Stay as long as you like. No rush, we'll have you model tomorrow instead.

S: Thanks Cheri.

I hung up my phone and looked back at jared. He was busy eating his food and didn't even notice I was done talking. I cleared my throat and he looked up with a piece of lettuce sticking out of his mouth.

"That's attractive." I said sarcastically.

"Shut up." He pouted.

Just then a fan came up with a paper and pen. She was freaking out and screaming like crazy.

"C-could I have your a-autograph?" She stuttered.

Jared took the pen and paper, then signed his name. He gave them back to her and she stood there starstruck.

"Thanks. Could I also take a picture with you two?"

"Me too?" I asked confused.

"Yes you're really beautiful."

"Come here."

She sat in between Jared and me. We took a few pics before her mother started calling for her. She thanked us many times before she asked a very awkward question.

"So are you two dating?"

"Uhh no we're just good friend." Jared blushed.

"Well I think you would be a cute couple. Bye now." She waved as she walked away.

After that we finished our meal in silence. But it wasn't awkward silence, it was kinda peaceful silence. We were just enjoying each other's presence. After a little argument I let Jared pay for the meal.

"Why did you have to pay for it?" I asked

"Because I'm the man."

"You sure about that?" I giggled.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes.

"Well this is my stop." I sighed.

"Wait give me your phone."

I pulled out my phone as he gave me his. After I put my number in he gave me my phone back. I laughed because he put his name as Jared Padalecki is Amazing!!

"Nice name."

"Hey it's true."

"Yeah right."

"See ya around." He hugged me.

"I'll call you." I winked.






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