Chapter 6

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Sara's POV

"He offered you a part. That's great Sara." Jared hugged me.

"Yeah I just want to know who I will be playing. For all I know I could be a person in the beginning and die within the first two minutes." I laughed.

"Shut up, you'll probably get a great part." He nudged me.

"With my luck I'll get a background character."

"Whatever you say." He rolled his eyes.

"One minute people." Robert, the director, called,

"Well I better get back on set." Jared said.

"Have fun." I called after him,

He was walking towards Jensen when Robert walked over to me. He handed me a script with my name on it. I was just about to ask who i was playing before he spoke.

"All your lines are highlighted in that. We'll be filming that episode in three days. Have the script memorized by then." And with that he walked off.

I excitedly looked through the script to see who I would be playing. Highlighted lines caught me eye as I looked through. According to this I will be playing a girl named Anna. I guess I could work with this, I mean how bad could it be? I read a little more and came to something horrifying. I have a sex scene with Jensen, kill me now.

"Hey Sara, what's wrong your eyes are wide." Jared asked.

I just handed him the script so he could see for himself.

"Oh wow umm...." He faded out.

"Yeah." I said awkwardly.

"It could be worse."

"Yeah how?" I challenged.

Jensen walked up to us, "What could be worse?"

"Nothing at all." I replied.

"Okay so do you know who you're playing?" Jensen asked.

"Uhh yeah some chick named Anna."

"Oh so you're uhh...yeah" he scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah we'll see how that goes." I awkwardly laughed.

"It'll be fine just pretend I'm Jared." He chuckled.

"Shut up." I playfully punched him.

"Jared tell you're girlfriend to stop."

"She's not my girlfriend." He whined.

"Yet." And with that he left.

"Well I better go learn my lines, can I go practice them in your trailer?"

"Yeah. You know where it is?"

"I'll find my way."

Jared's POV

She started walking away but in the wrong direction. I laughed to myself before I shouted at her to go the other way. She blushed wildly and ran the right way. She's so adorable, wait did I just say that?

"Hey lover boy stop thinking about your girlfriend and get back over here." Jensen shouted,

"Shut up Jensen." I shouted as I walked towards the set.

"Places people......and action." Robert shouted.

Sara's POV

I was running my lines when I came across the stage directions for the "scene". God how am I going to do this? This is going to be so awkward. Just then there was a knock at the door.

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