Chapter 30 (The Final Chapter)

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So sad to say this will be the last chapter of The Unexpected Meeting. I'm really glad that you all stuck with my throughout the long breaks. I'm trying to make this a long chapter that you all deserve. Please enjoy the last chapter and tell me what you think.

Sara's POV
Jensen and Cas were ecstatic when they heard the news. Jensen told me Jared was afraid that I would say no. There is no chance that I would've said no to Jared. I'm absolutely in love with him.

Sometimes I wonder how my life ended up like this. It weird to think not too long ago he had no clue who I was and I only knew him through a tv screen. And now look at us, we are happily engaged and have a beautiful daughter. I wouldn't change this for anything.

"Sara come on we need to get going." Cas shouted.

"I'm almost ready." I called back.

If it wasn't for my modeling job that never would've happened. My lovely modeling job that didn't last very long. Cas and I would be stuck on our couch loving these two men through a screen. Jared wouldn't know I exist, while Cas would be busy reading Jensen fan fiction.

"Seriously what are you doing in there? Come on." Autumn shouted.

"I was just thinking."

"Well you don't want to be late for your wedding dress fitting." She answered back.

"I know I'm walking to the stairs as we speak."

When I walked into the room I saw my close friends and someone else. He was standing pretty close to Autumn. Oh he must be Mark.

"Sara this is Mark, Mark this is my best friend Sara."

"It's nice to meet you." He shook my hand.

"You too." I smiled.

"He will stay here with Jared and Jensen while they watch Charlotte." Autumn explained.

"Have fun you guys. It was nice meeting you Mark. Oh and if you ever hurt Autumn I will slit your throat."

He just stood there shocked and what I just said. I don't blame him, I probably look like the crazy friend.

"She's not kidding babe. Sorry my friends are violent." She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

The girls and I piled into the car. It was kind of packed but we managed. Since this whole trip was for me they made me sit in the middle. I was squished in between Alice and Cas. Autumn claimed that she couldn't have anyone sit next to her because they would distract her.

"Autumn I feel like we're more of a distraction back here then up there." I said.

"Shush I'm trying to drive."

"On the way back one of us is driving so were not all squished back here." Alice spoke up.

"SHUT UP GUYS WE'RE HERE." Autumn shouted.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY? WE CAN'T HERE YOU!!" Cas shouted back.

The whole afternoon was spent looking for the right dress. Cas, Alice, and Autumn found their bridesmaid dresses as well. I seriously can't wait for the wedding. It'll be such an amazing day and Jared will finally be my husband. I'm just hoping he'll love the dress as much as I do.

"You know he will girl." Cas said breaking my from my thoughts.

"I was talking out loud again wasn't I?"

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