☯When I published the last chapter I realised that I missed out so many so here I am with how to have a fairly stress-less school/college year(Part 2):
-Drink calming tea or just tea to relax- I recommend green tea or my fave camomile teaaa
-Weekend is the 48hrs where you chill and do whatever you want like: go shopping, watch something, play a game or meet up with someone but it's not to do things like homework or any work or workout or anything. We have the week to do that so use it and just completely relax on the weekend! If you get homework on Friday then just do it on Friday so you won't be panicking on Sunday when you realise you haven't done it yet
-If you are studying in school or college then revise after each topic or after each lesson, just like a simple revision to remember what you did and later on when you will have an exam it will be easier as you will already know most things
-After you have done a project or a test and you got a good grade for it or you did it before time then TREAT YOURSELF! If I do something good then I treat myself to a few more episodes or chocolate, a caramel chocolate to be exact because I'm a caramel addict
-Do homework without any distractions! I usually do my hw while watching youtube videos and it makes me do the hw for like 3 hours when I could've done it in 30 mins max, so when you get home before you get the time to start watching something quickly do your hw and then you have the rest of the day to watch it
-LISTEN CAREFULLY! I realized that a lot of times in lessons I used to listen to the teacher but like kind of not at the same time or I used to zone out and think what I had to do when I get home(you have a planner for that!) and then I never knew what I had to do and I had to then go home and go over the topic alone because I didn't 'understand' it. Now as the new school year began I started listening carefully and I'm realizing that I understand SO MUCH more and I don't need to really go home and go over it because I get it! (It feels sooo good to finally get something!)
-Revise the way it's best for you!- On youtube a lot of people tell you to USE HIGHLIGHTERS but I'm realizing that it doesn't even help me! What helps me is re writing things and saying them out loud as I write them and actually listening to myself. So just find a way that helps you revise
-Write notes- it will help you when you are revising!!!
-An important thing when you are studying or doing hws or whatever is to take breaks! During that break you can get a snack, make yourself some camomile tea, stretch or do whatever you want but it's important you take breaks or you will over do yourself(that sounds wrong >-<)
-What else can you do while during breaks? Go outside!! I think we all know why going outside in between studying is important so I will leave it at that.
-One way that our year could be stressful is because of problems. It could be ANY problems like family problems or friends problems so I think it's important to sometimes get your feelings out by talking to someone. Also always make sure you are there when your friend has a problem!
-When you have a fight with your friend or family just think about it, do you care more about your friendship or the fight(that made no sense...). Do you think it's worth loosing that friend because you had a stupid fight? If no then be the bigger person and apologize even if you think it's not your fault. However, there are some friendships that you should just drop. Don't let any negativity into your life!
-Last but not least is just to be happy! Do the things you love, be with the people that bring you happiness and enjoy every second of your life because you will never get it again like the 5th of October 2015 is gone and you will NEVER EVER get it back! So just enjoy your life!
(Sorry guys this was a bit of a rant-tips-chapter-thing, anyways vote and comment, love you all and byeeee)
-unedited cuz I'm lazyyyy