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☯Here are some tips for summer:

1. Always wear a REALLY REALLY good sun-cream

2. Drink LOTS of water and cold drinks

3. Wear your favourite swimsuit/bikini no matter what size you are(!!!)

4. Wear a hat to protect your head from the sun

5. If you aren't going anywhere for summer holidays prepare some stuff you could do alone or with your friends(going on a hike, going to cinema/coffee shop, binge watch supernatural for 30 hours- I know I will be doing the last one)

6. If you want to have a summer job you have to apply earlier or you might not get in as lots of people want to have a summer job

7. Use a lot of deodorant

8. And dry shampoo

9. And lip balm

10. For sun burns use aloe vera and lots of moisturiser

11. Toothpaste is good for mosquito bites

12.Have a lot of fun before you have to go back to hell

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