33. forgiveness?

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chapter 33: forgiveness?

Ki's POV
Dylan and I walk out of class and went to our lockers. I could really go for some badoit but sadly, I don't have any.

When we got to our lockers, we realized something was different. Dylan and my locker are next to the restrooms and the janitor room.

I looked around but nothing seemed different. But when I looked at the janitors closet, there was a sign there I never seen before.

"Hey, Dyl." I say, poking his shirt.

"What the hell do you want?" Dylan said, annoyed because he was staring at Shelley (his date to the dance).

"Look." I say pointing to the janitors closet," Have you ever seen that sign?"

"Nope." Dylan said, popping the p.

I saw Kaya walking up to us. "Hey, peppers." She says.

"What you looking at?" She asks and she looks at the sign.

"Why would they put something dangerous inside a janitors closet?" She asks.

Dylan being Dylan said, "I don't know but we
should go in."

"No!" I say, going to slap his arm but decide to slap his face.

"What was that for?" Dylan asked.

"Can't you see this word." I say, gesturing to Dangerous.

"I agree. We should go in." Kaya said and opened the door quickly before I can say anything.

She looks around. "Looks normal to me."

"Let me see." I say and I push Dylan and Kaya away. I heard bangs and they came from the broken locker that they always kept in here.

"D-Dudes." I say, pointing at the locker.

"I'm a girl." Kaya says, slapping my arm. Kaya didn't hesitate, she rushed to the locker and opened it.

Then Destiny fell out. Wait Destiny!

"Destiny, are you okay?" I ask, helping her up along with Kaya. Dylan didn't bother, he seemed to let us do all the work.

"I don't know. I guess being in a locker, in a janitor closet isn't enough to answer the question!" Destiny says, and slaps my arm.

"Why does every girl slap this arm?" I ask, rubbing my right arm.

"Because your left arm never got slapped by someone and it would hurt more on the right." Kaya shrugged.

"Yeah, thanks." Ki said, sarcastically.

"Anyways, why were you in a locker?" Dylan asked, folding his arms.

"I don't know, maybe I locked myself in there." Destiny says, sarcastically.

"Gosh. You and Ki can be the king and queen of sass sometimes." Dylan said, bowing.

We all laugh and walk out.

"Anyways, why were you in there?" Kaya asked.

"I'm not sure. The only thing I remember before being locked in that locker was Erika." I say.

"That bit-"

But I cut her off.

"Language." I say, holding my hand up.

"Yeah okay. But only this time. The next time, I'll be full on swearing." Kaya said.

"Yeah, okay." I say.

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