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Nothing in this world is permanent.

Every time you may feel sad, or angry, or just in general frustrated with the world, remember that everything in this life is temporary. Nothing except for change and paying taxes, is forever.

This includes peace.

I can vouch for this because,  I was so at peace, so tranquil and relaxed.

If/Then soundtrack playing in the background, homework just about done, Chex Mix laid out in front of me, and a combination of Netflix and YouTube calling my name.

Then the damn doorbell rang.

The polite person I am (note the sarcasm) I got up to answer it and was greeted by the devil himself in human form.

"Hey loser," Satan said, as he pushed past me, into my own house I may add, and walked straight towards the living room.

"Come in, won't you." I respond sarcastically.

"Whatever," he muttered. He in turn threw his backpack on the floor and kicked off his shoes, then spread himself out along my couch.

"Yes please, make yourself at home."

Zac threw me his signature smirk, "Sure thing, got anything to eat?"

I threw him a look, telling him he crossed the invisible line I just drew. "I wouldn't over stay your welcome if I were you."

"Yeah, yeah let's get this over with," he says sitting up.

I grab my backpack from the previous spot I was sitting in and moved over to him.

He showed up an hour late. I figured he wouldn't show up at all. Hence the reason, I wasn't in my "decent person clothes" (as Andy calls it) and was currently in sweats. At this point I'd taken my contacts out, and was wearing my normal glasses. With my hair in a signature messy bun.

I begin to look through my binder of notes, searching for the project sheet. Meanwhile, Zac takes it upon himself to take my sarcasm seriously, and put his feet on the coffee table.

I shoot him a plain look, "Do you mind?"

He responds with a smirk, knowing that he's clearing getting on my nerves.

I never thought I can get so pissed off at someone for saying absolutely nothing.

I push his feet off the table and put my science books there instead.

"Wow, you're really into this stuff," he murmurs.

I look over at him confused, "Into what?"

His eyes were glued to the piles of books, "School, and stuff. You got textbooks," he pauses and looks to me, and suddenly notices my glasses, "and glasses. You must be pretty smart."

"Well, first of all everyone at school is given a textbook," I tell him slowly.

"Yeah, but you like, use them."

I face palm myself and mutter a chain of profanities.

"Since when do you have glasses?" he says staring at them.

"Since forever," I respond in a 'duh' tone.

"That's not true. You weren't wearing them at school today." he argues.

I looked at him, thinking to myself how anyone can be this stupid.

"These things called contacts, idiot," I tell him.

Zac rolls his eyes, clearly done with this conversation, while reaching into his pocket to pull something out.

It's a damn joint.

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