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(Please keep in mind, the story is taking place in the beginning of the school year)

We walk into Mrs. Cohen's office. And when I say office, I mean and extra room that's always left unused backstage.

Usually an actor may come in here to do their warm-ups or have a pep talk, but this room never had any real purpose.

It was decent sized. You could fit a good amount of people in here.

When you walk in, to the left is Mrs. Cohen's desk.

Warning: here comes another subtext.

By desk I mean a foldable table with stacks of paper scattered all over.
In the middle of the table, there's a small empty space where the teacher's chair lines up with it.

The rest of the room contained chairs.


There are a good,maybe, two dozen metal foldable chairs, scattered everywhere.

Moved around for multiple purposes, never rearranged due to the fact we know they'll be messed up again.

Around the rim of the room are a bunch of random items left over from past shows. None of these objects have a purpose. We don't use them anymore, but don't have the guts to throw them out, because they hold so many memories.

The room is dimly lit from two hanging lights form the ceiling, and a few stray lamps spread out across the room, lighting up areas the ceiling light didn't hit.

The meeting has just been dismissed. Mrs. Cohen and I walk in and seat ourselves.

This talk should be quick, Lola and Andy are waiting for me in the parking lot.

"Alright so, start with the basics, when do you think we should have said bake sale?" Mrs. Cohen asked me.

The thing I love about her, and about this club is, I'm in charge of so many things. That's a pro and con. I mean what I say goes 98.7%of the time, but I have a lot of responsibility. If something goes wrong, it's most likely my fault, and of course I'll get blamed. Considering I'm pretty freaking awesome, that doesn't happen much, but still.

"Well, it's September. It's a pretty eventful month." I told her.

"Yeah, we need to look for a date with no events." She stated like it was definite.

"No events?" I ask her.


Alright I'm no Einstein, but even I can tell that isn't a good idea.

"Um, I don't think that's a good idea," I told her slowly, kind of feeling bad for turning her idea down.

Mrs. Cohen looks at me confused, "Why not?"

"Hate to break it to you, but I don't think anyone would go out of their way to come to our bake sale. If it were the football team that's another story, but us? No-"

Then it dawned on me.

I jumped out of my seat in excitement, proud of my always amazing ideas.
"We could have a bake sale during one of their games. THE HOMECOMING GAME!!" I continued to spawn brilliant ideas. "If people are already there, they'll think 'hey cupcakes? Why not!' And it won't just be friends and family of drama club! It'll be practically the whole school, hell the whole neighborhood!!" I yell at her, elated with my new plan.

"So basically you want to feed off their popularity?"



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