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"Seriously Lola, tie your hair back or something!" I yell at my best friend while staring down at my lunch.

Her hair is in my food. Again.

"Why? I like my beach waves." She answers while tossing her hair to the side. She does this a lot. "The school lunch is bad as it is, I don't need your hair in it!" I tell her. Like really I'm picking out the fourth strand of hair by now.

"It's not even mine!" she tries to defend herself, but fails miserably. I scoff and reply "Well I don't know anyone else who has neon green hair." Then comes Andy, oh Andy, my other best friend. He's gay I may add.

"Ladies, Ladies calm down. Put the claws away," Andy butts in, while sitting in between us. "You should be thanking me Casey, now you have an excuse to throw away that barely edible food."

She has a point, but really. A day without lunch is bad day.

"Ugh, you win."

I get up and start walking to the trash can. As I'm walking I glance around the cafeteria. Our school is so stereotypical.

We have, of course, the cheerleaders/queen bees in the center along with the jocks/athletes. Same thing right? Well, they control pretty much everyone's reputations. They can make or break you. Everyone knows them in one way or another. And more importantly, everyone wants to be them.

All except me that is.

Anyway, next to them is the student counsel, also known as the insanely smart and, the not so smart but rich as Bill Gates students, who control all the school events. They plan out school prep rallies, dances, fundraisers, blah blah blah, nothing I go to.

Then as the social circle gets bigger, so does the IQ numbers, because next we have the nerds, and geeks. I hate using those words, but apparently since that's they're social standing, it's okay. Psh yeah right, these are the abnormally smart kids, give them a problem, they'll solve it, as long as it doesn't include "talking to pretty girls". Unfortunately the popularity level decreases.

Then there are all the other school stereotypes, the stoners, the worshipers, the gossipers, the emo/ goth, and the unnoticed. There's more but I'm sure you've already lost interest. It's like a social circle. This explains why my friends and I are alone, in the corner.

Now, you're probably wondering 'what are you and your friends?' Well, we're what you'd call the outcasts of the school.

There's Lola, the most dramatic, craziest, wildest chick you'll ever meet. Her real name is Leanne Wilson, but she is absolutely mortified of it. Apparently it has no "star quality" as she calls it. We met in kindergarten, in a beginners Broadway class. I gladly volunteered to be her future manager, when she makes it big. We've been inseparable ever since.

Then there's Andy. You know Damian from Mean Girls? Well he's even gayer. But he takes no shame in it, which is awesome. He's openly gay and always has been. He joined the dynamic duo in second grade, when he transferred schools. We seemed to be the only ones who accepted his personality, so we got along quickly and nicely.

Lola and Andy are always the leads in our school plays and musicals. They're what you call drama geeks.

Then there's that weird quiet girl that always follows them around. Can you guess who that is?

Ding, ding, ding you guessed correctly, it's me! I won't bore you with my boring life so let's just skip that.

I throw my lunch away, and start walking back to our corner in this insanely large room. I am now coming to the realization that I spent most of the time just talking about our social statuses. Which is weird because, well, we don't give two shits about our reputations.

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