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"Okay, all I'm saying is that if Zac looked like Phantom without the mask, girls wouldn't be attracted to him at all."

"I don't think that's true," I object Lola, "he may be ugly, but he's still capable of being a sugar daddy, Andy! Don't you dare start singing Hedwig." I stop Andy as I see him about to open his mouth to start singing.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about the bucks," Lola realizes.

"The big bucks," Andy butts in.

We arrive in front of my house, ending our conversation.

"I believe this is your stop, that'll be 20 bucks." Andy says in a nearly perfect New York accent.

"Pay up tutz," Lola continues the joke.

"Haha yeah about that," I tell them, scratching the back of my neck. Trying to come off nervous and anxious.

Andy looks at me through the rear view mirror, "Listen ya either got the money or ya don't."

"Well I can pull a few strings," I try my best to do the accent.

"What'd ya mean?" Lola questions.

"Listen," I put my hands up, "all I'm saying is, I may or may not know a guy, banda bing, banda boom,-"

Lola looks at me with fake seriousness, "Do ya go the dough, or not?"

"I don't got the money."

Lola turned around to face me in the backseat, "Get outta here!"

I open the door and jump out of the car laughing, "We are such losers."

Andy rolls down the window and waves to me, before driving away, "Bye loser!"

I wave back to them, still laughing, while walking up to my front door.

I love my friends, they're so weird, but I couldn't ask for better friends. We are some how so compatible, it's scary. I don't sing, or dance, or even act (except for a few lies here and there hehe) but they somehow just get me the way no else does. I don't have a lot of friends, but quite honestly, I don't need a lot of friends when I have them. And as cliche as it sounds, it's true.

I open the door to my house, and walk in.

I throw my backpack onto the couch and sit down to start organizing this bake sale.

My mom doesn't get home until about 5:30.

In case you're wondering, my parents are divorced. Nothing tragic happened. There was no cheating, fighting, or misunderstandings.

They simply fell out of love.

No hard feelings, there is not any kind of resentment toward each other. They have nothing but respect left between them.

And I am still very in touch with my dad. I visit him often, and same vice versa.

For the time being I am living with my mom, since she lives closer to the school, and has more adjustable work hours.

So now that I've cleared that up, I sit down and start working out who can bake what.

Lola and Andy already told me they can bake customized cupcakes. Apparently they will make each cupcake themed to a certain Broadway musical.

I swear they have way too make time on their hands. Like really, get a life dude.

I send out a quick text to Jules, Annalise, Janet, and a few other drama club members. After a few people text back saying what they could bake, I realized that no one is making brownies.

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