Your Very Own Hetaloid (>^w^)>

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Disclaimer: HETALIA and the concept of HETALOID do not belong to me

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Disclaimer: HETALIA and the concept of HETALOID do not belong to me. They belong to their respective owner/s.

(Hetalia and all of its characters belong to Himaruya Hidekaz-san & the concept of Hetaloids belong to AshFlames on dA)

HOWEVER, I do OWN the plot line of the stories I WOULD post and I got the inspiration from other fellow writers and stories that I had read.


This would include YOU dear reader and Do Not worry because I would warn you if the story would contain anything bad and if it would be Fem!Reader or Male!Reader.

Now I wouldn't repeat myself okay? If you have questions or suggestion please do message me.

Thank you for your patience reader.


No haters okay? Mother Russia would be upset with you :/



Hetaloid available:












Nine more Hetaloids to go and this series will come to an end!
Thank you for staying with me so far everyone! 

I wish to hear your thoughts so please when you have time, comment down below~



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Your Very Own Hetaloid (ranekurodo version)Where stories live. Discover now