Female!Reader x Hetaloid!Poland

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Disclaimer: Hetalia is not mine.

It belongs to Himaruya-sensei.

Notes: This will be in English for Poland. If there would be requests for a translation, then I shall translate it for you.

I am not a native speaker of English and that is why I apologize if there are any grammatical errors in my works.

My work may have some mentions.

It is not a flawless story like the one you hope.

Every time I write for Hetalia is like the first time for me.


After receiving the letter, you decided to accept and send your answer to them via e-mail.


Humming to the latest music playing on your radio, you elegantly swayed side to side, your feet moving in a slow box-like pattern. Left feet followed by the right feet. Left then right. Left. Right. It was calming... Just like today. There were no ill news, no bad luck, no clumsy episodes. Just you yourself and the beautiful melody of a piano on the radio.

Everything was in a tranquil state that it seems to put you in a spell to the point that when your phone rang the spell continued on as you hum and step towards the phone.


"Hello, good afternoon Ma'am! A package arrived for you from-"

"It's okay, let them come up Sir Gardo."

Placing the phone down, you continued your dance.

After a few moments, the unmistaken sound of your doorbell rang around the room making you sigh and smile defeatedly.

"Alright, I'm coming."

Opening it, you were met with a large structure.

"Good afternoon! We are from the Kurodo Family and we are here to deliver your Hetaloid!Poland! Your name is Miss _____, igen?" the firm voice filled with a thick accent rang in your ears as a lady with her hair in a ponytail looked at you with a pair of emerald eyes.

"A-ah... yes... i-igen." confused, you tried to answer politely and took hold of the clipboard that was handed to you for completion of the transaction.

It has been a while when you ordered your Hetaloid that you almost forgot about it...

"We are terribly sorry for the delay. Mishaps happen from time to time though jobbra?" the brunette nodded her head and took the clipboard from you. "Köszönöm Miss_____. Where should we place him?"

"Oh, please come inside. Please place him right this way..."

While having the large object in question placed inside, you marveled at the strength of the woman you are currently speaking with. She is indeed strong to be able to carry it by herself.

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