Fem!Reader w/ Hetaloid!Canada

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Notes : ° This would be in English for Canada. If there will be requests for it to be translated then I shall translate for you.

° I did not edit.

° Has some mentions.

° I do not know how to recreate my old writing style.

° The creation of this story and the ff. if there will be any, will always be a first for me.

° The ff. are pulled from my jumbled mind.


After receiving the letter you decided to accept and send your answer to them via e-mail.



The huge box like Cabinet now rests in your living room. You had opened it earlier and saw your very own Canada Hetaloid !! He was taller than the others and he was still taller than your own height. Shaking your head you looked at the paper attached to the left side of the door of your Hetaloid's Cabinet/box thingy.


Hetaloid : Canada

This package includes :

+ 1 military outfit

+ 1 hanky with the his flag colors

+ 1 pair of brown combat shoes

+ 1 extra pair of eyeglass

+ 1 pillow and blanket

+ 5 pcs. of his under garments

+ 1 casual outfit

+ 1 swimming trunks

+ 1 lifetime warranty if it ever breaks

+ a  Komajirou


+ 1 week supply of Maple syrup


About :

Name: Canada

Matthew Williams

also called: Mattheui

Physical Description : blonde on the roots and orange tipped hair

Violet eyes with a blue tint

Pale colored Skin


If you received a model with dark red eyes with a tint of violet rather than violet with blue ones you received a 2p model and it is your choice if you want to replace it or keep it.

Also, this model is independent and good with instructions.

If you want to know his age, please do go ahead and ask him.


How to Wake Him Up:

This Hetaloid is easy to start and you have more than 2 options to wake him up.




+ call his name

+ play his national anthem

+ whip up a batch of pancakes

+ use the maple syrup and allow him to smell them

WARNING: Canada loves his pancakes and his maple syrup. Specially his maple syrup. So please think twice if you ever decide to take them  away from him. THINK it over CAREFULLY.

Your Very Own Hetaloid (ranekurodo version)Where stories live. Discover now