Female!Reader w/ Santa~!

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Disclaimer: Hetalia is not mine.

It belongs to Himaruya-sensei.

Notes: This will be in English for Finland. If there would be requests for a translation then I shall translate it for you.

I am not a native speaker of English and that is why I apologize if there are any grammatical errors in my works.

My work may have some mentions.

It is not a flawless story like the one you hope.

Every time I write for Hetalia is like a first time for me.


After receiving the letter, you decided to accept and send your answer to them via e-mail.


A knock resounded through your door. Putting your cookies down to cool off, you called out, "Coming! Please wait for a moment!"

Standing by the door, you made yourself decent and cleared you throat.

"Ye-s chest?"

"Up here miss."

Craning your neck up, your eyes met a pair of pure bright blue eyes.

"G-Good day! I wasn't expecting any visitors..."

"Ah that is quite alright. We always come unannounced. Is your name Ms.(----)?" He tilted his head and the action reminded you of someone...

"Ah. Yes. I'm (name)..."

His face brightened and his smile became prominent up to the point you can see sparkling glitters in the air... "Good day Ms.(name)! I am here to deliver your Hetaloid!Finland! You are very lucky! Please sign here and here please!" His voice was firm and clear as he handed your stupefied form a clipboard and pen.

"My hetaloid?" remembering the form you answered a month before your head clicked with the information! You reread everything on the paper and wrote your name and signature down when you deemed it as legit.

"Thank you sir! I'm so excited!" You bounced happily!

Nodding as he approved of something he confirmed, the delivery man went out towards a truck and ...

Your eyes widen... "..nanodayolo..."


Hetaloid: Finland


Wife (courtesy of Hetaloid!Sweden)

This package includes:

+ 1 set of his military outfit

+2 pcs. of handkerchief with his flag colors

+ 1 pair of combat boots

+ A pillow and a blanket

+ 5 pcs. of undergarments

+ 2 sets of casual outfit

+ 1 set of a swimming attire

+ A set of tools

+ A Hanatamago plushie

+ A set of building tools

+ A Sewing kit (needles, threads, buttons, yarn, etc.)

+1 lifetime warranty

+ A set of Christmas outfit

+ A moomin set


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