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Disclaimer: Hetalia is not mine.

It belongs to Himaruya-sensei.

Notes: This will be in English for Lithuania. If there would be requests for a translation, then I shall translate it for you.

I am not a native speaker of English and that is why I apologize if there are any grammatical errors in my works.

My work may have some mentions.

It is not a flawless story like the one you hope.

Every time I write for Hetalia is like the first time for me.


After receiving the letter, you decided to accept and send your answer to them via e-mail.


Lounging about in your living room, you stared bored at the ceiling, trying to count the spider webs' lines as the spider weave them up and down. 

'I need to do a thorough full house cleaning soon.'

You exhaled a mushroom cloud and flop yourself sideways on the sofa. Wishing something new to just come to your life and change it for the better!

And it was as if your thoughts were heard! The door bell rang two times before a soft knock can be heard through out your living room.

Making sure you were presentable, you cleared your throat and opened the cream colored wood only to be faced with... more wood?

"Good day! Are you Miss ____? We are here to deliver your very own Hetaloid!Lithuania!"

Looking around the huge box-like cabinet, you were greeted by a rather tall individual with wheat blonde hair in a bowl cut looking at you with sharp sea blue green eyes wearing a pair of glasses.

"Ah.. yes. I'm ____. Thank you... Sir...."

"A pleasure madam! We are always happy to serve! Please do sign here and here."

He handed you a flag themed clipboard and pen for the finalization of transactions which you complied to, then handed it both back to him.

"Thank you... Here is your receipt. Now where should I place him?"

"Oh! Right at the corner if you may... please." It was like your body was on autopilot. It was answering him with yes and no and whatever he needs to know, but your brain couldn't comprehend the reality of the situation.

"There you go! All done. Thank you so much for purchasing your very own Hetaloid! Miss Rane sends her gratitude for your patience and we hope you accept this-

He gave you a basket of holiday goods and nodded to you as he went on his way to his truck which you just now noticed park on the sidewalk.

You smiled and waved goodbye when you heard a strange noise.

"Like psst-"

Turning around, you saw another blonde but this time wearing a rather cute hat but was out of place in the uniform with a pair of shades. In his hand lay a pale pink plane which he sailed towards your directions. Seeing it fly off, two of his fingers pointed towards his eyes then towards yours. Then he drove off, with the delivery staff sighing a mushroom cloud.

Confused and a little intimidated, you almost failed to catch the descending plane. You unfolded it and read the words inside.

Like he is such a good shopping partner. You better like totally take good care of him or else.

Your Very Own Hetaloid (ranekurodo version)Where stories live. Discover now