Hello. (A quick message from me)

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Hello again everyone!

First things first. I want to thank you, each and everyone of you that took their time to read this little book of mine. It means a whole lot to me that you enjoy reading it and are having fun while doing so because, it may not seem much but I put alot of effort in each little chapter within this. I make it a point that I get atleast some resemblance with Himaruya-sensei's characters and mine.
I'm not saying that I'm copying him though. I can never compete nor do I have any intention to. Also, Hetalia belongs to him. :)

And, I am giving my thanks to AshFlames on DA as they are the one that inspired me to make this book.
I read her works and got inspired to make my own.

Second thing I want to say is that, I apologize for the lack of replies to your messages, I am currently swamped full with paper works and activities.
I am giving no excuses.

Lastly, the holiday season has already started! Do you have any plans for this December?

Well wishes to each and everyone of you!!!


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