Fem!Reader w/ Hetaloid!Nihon

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Notes : ° This would be in English for Nihon. If there will be requests for it to be translated then I shall translate for you.

° I did not edit.

° Has some mentions.

° I do not know how to recreate my old writing style.

° The creation of this story and the ff. if there will be any, will always be a first for me.

° The ff. are pulled from my jumbled mind.


After receiving the letter you decided to accept and send your answer to them via e-mail.



The huge box like Cabinet now rests in your living room. You had opened it earlier and saw your very own Nihon Hetaloid !! He wasn't as tall as the others but he was still taller than your own height. Shaking your head you looked at the paper attached to the left side of the door of your Nihon's Cabinet/box thingy.


Hetaloid : Nihon (Japan)

This package includes :

+ 1 white military outfit

+ 1 hanky with the his flag colors

+ 1 pair of brown combat shoes

+ 1 katana with a violet tassle

+ 1 pillow and blanket

+ 5 pairs of under garments

+ 1 casual outfit

+ 1 swimming trunks  paired with a white shirt

+ 1 lifetime warranty if it ever breaks

+ a  Pochi plushie

+ 1 set of his most treasured manga

+ 1 camera


About :

Name: Nihon (Japan)

Kiku Honda

also called: N/A

Physical Description : Straight Black Hair

Dark brown eyes

Pale colored Skin


If you received a model with dark red eyes with a tint of brown rather than dark brown ones you received a 2p model and it is your choice if you want to replace it or keep it.

Also, this model is independent and good with instructions.

His age is unknown to many and only a few knows his true age. Point is, he knows how to follow rules and you won't be tearing your hair out soon.


How to Wake Him Up:

This Hetaloid is easy to start and you have more than 2 options to wake him up.




+ call his name

+ play his national anthem

+ play an anime OST

+ brew some tea

WARNING: Nihon loves his personal space. Please respect that. Do not touch him just to wake him up. NEVER violate his personal space or else you will create a bad start with him.


How to Clean:

He can clean himself so no need to worry about that area.

He is a fully grown man. Do not insist on giving him a bath.


What to feed him :

This model has to check his salt intake regularly so be careful on what you serve him. Sushi, Tuna, and Sashimi are some of his adored food. But as stated earlier, careful on his salt intake. Serve some Gyudon once in a while if you want a variation. At times let him do the cooking so he could reminisince his homelands' cooking. Asking him to teach you would be nice and he will be happy to do so.

Taking away his precious food will make him unhappy but it is for his own good. Be brave.

WARNING: Do not make weird looking cakes. If you do, do not force him to eat it. He is polite by nature, so he might eat it just for you but for his safety. Try giving it to an America Hetaloid as they are more fond of weird looking cakes than Nihon Hetaloids.


Warning !!

NEVER LEAVE your Hetaloid Alone for more than a MONTH for this may put your Hetaloid in a state of depression or it may change him and go 2p on you. Once a Hetaloid goes 2p there is a small chance for them to go 1p again.

For those who don't know the meaning of 2p, they are their opposite version in more ways than one ( Another Color ), so to put it simply if the 1p fails at cooking their 2p would be wicked at it. Also, 2p!hetaloids can be quite possesive of their owners and while they do love you they would have a far more different way to show it and they may have some tendencies to be more violent to those around you like your boyfriend/girlfriend but your families blood related wise would be safe so no worries but its a different matter with those who isn't related to you. (reason as to why the may be more violent? because in their 1p state they are more tranquil and is more peace seeking and make that the opposite and you'll get their 2p.)



Although he is closer mostly to the Hetaloid: North Italy and Germany he is also relaxed with the Hetaloid: Greece and Turkey than others, he is okay with the other Hetaloids so you can own more if you like. Please do not put Hetaloid: Greece and Turkey on the same area as it will result to a debate.

His siblings, the Asian!Hetaloids also has their own special bond with him. The events may vary.

Also if you see any manga sketches or wooden carvings of something inside it may be because he woke up and got bored and made them then went to sleep.

Nihon is good with his hands. He is good with drawing too.


Never make him angry. His anger is the scariest of them all.


Why does my Hetaloid freeze up when I go near him?


It may be ... your invading his personal space? Nihon likes his personal space and would love it if you do too. He isn't one for showing physical affection.


My Nihon Hetaloid has black hair alright but his eyes are DARK RED!!! What happened?


That my dear might be 2p!Nihon.


I poked him so he would wake up. What now?


... Did I not instruct you not to?! What now you ask? Be wary... be very very wary.

If you have anymore question please dial : 3282-5644



(update soon !!!) Hetaloid!America & Hetaloid!Canada


It's October 2014 huh? It has been a while.

Again, as a disclaimer, Hetaloid (the idea of it) does Not belong to me.

Hetalia is created by Himaruya-san.

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