Chapter 3

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room...but then I realized I'm in a boarding house, with a shitface dumbass who's probably sleeping right now on the upper floor.

I turned around, my eyes still half open and blurry, and squeezed the closes pillow nearby. That's funny...I don't really remember a long pillow...and it's not that soft to be a pillow...and since when do pillows wear clothes...? I looked up and realized my first 2 minutes in the morning's aready ruined.

"WHAT IN THE FUCKING WORLD ARE YOU DOING HERE?! AND HOW DID YOU GET IN?!" I shouted at that annoying boy that is laying on my bed, all relaxed, with his hands supporting his head, his back against my bed's headboard, and a slight grin on his face.

"Good morning to you, too." he remarked.

I stood away from him, feeling like I can kill him any second now, but then realized that if I do kill him, I'll be put into jail and spend the rest of my life there while he laughs at me from the depths of hell.


"Can't sleep, your door's unlocked, your bed's comfortable, so I slept here instead." He answered like there's nothing wrong with it.


"Woah, woah, chill babe." He said while getting up.

"Don't call me babe!"

I feel like blowing up. I can imagine stabbing him with a fork a million times. I can imagine him being ran over by a truck. I can imagine him falling off a buliding. I can imagine him -- okay, that's enough. For short, I'M. FUCKING. MAD.

Before he closed the door, he said something that made me decide I'll commit murder tonight: "By the way, I never knew you're good in bed." I know it's not true but his presence totally ruins my whole day.

And before I could hit his face with a pillow, he close the door.


After a long, calming bath, I got my phone and checked in on my sister. It's good to know she's doing alright and our aunt's taking of her so well but I can't erase the feeling of missing her. I miss her badly.

I went out and looked for a store nearby. Once I did, I bought bread and jam, both my sister and I's favorite. We would sit outside and just have bread and jam. How I wish my sister's right here beside me.

I decided to go for a walk so I headed to the park. There aren't much people here at times like this but what the heck, I just came here for fresh air and a nice view, oh, and a time away from that shitface who's probably making out with his girlfriend in his room.

Sitting by a tree, I decided to stay here. I can see kids playing with their pets, old couples walking hand in hand, children feeding the ducks on the nearby pond and people just having a stroll around the park.

I was about to have a bite on my sandwhich when I caught a scent of something...pee-ish. I turned around and saw a dog peeing behind the tree I was resting my back on. I quickly stood up, stuffed the sandwhich in my bag, not planning to eat anymore because I just lost my appetite.

When I was about to go, a guy, with brown hair, was approaching me. His green eyes are getting visible as he ran nearer and then he finally stopped, panting.

It took a few minutes before he could catch his breath.

" found my dog." He said, still trying to catch more oxygen.

"Not exactly. he just went behind the tree and peed." I told him.

His face changed, from tired to...happy? And then he laughed.

"Oh, sorry. you were about to eat, werent you?"

"Uhm...yeah. How'd you know?" Creepy.

"He always does that. He would go find a person who's about to eat and just pee near them." He laughed again.

"Cute dog. Nice owner." I said. Who would tolerate a dog who does that? Not me. Oh wait, I hate dogs...or cats. For short, I hate having pets.

"Look's like someone's annoyed." he said, looking at me straight in the eyes and smiled. Gosh, if being that cute is a crime, he would be in jail right now.

"N-not at all." I said without looking at him.

"Anyway, I have to go..." I added, it was getting pretty late.

"Can I take you home?"



"You don't even know me."


I rolled my eyes. It wouldn't hurt right? And it's not my fault if I'll just rape him. Just kidding.

So yeah, I agreed. He followed me every step of the way. No one really talked though. Just walking, nothing else.

I stopped by the gate and faced him.

"Well, I guess this is it. See ya. Oh, and thanks." I told him.

"No problem. Until next time then? Maybe tomorrow? Same place? Same time?"

"I guess...?"

"It's a date!"

I was thinking about my plans for tomorrow when I realized what he last said.

"Wait, it's not a d---" when I turned around to face him again, he wasn't there anymore...and I didn't even get to know his name...

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