Chapter 6

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I was just standing there, awestruck because of what i just discovered. It's a really small world, huh? Kendrick carried her sister on his back, they were both laughing and they look so cute. I felt my blood rushing up to my cheeks as I watch them. He looks more appealing now that I've taken a good look on him. 

Kendrick was having fun with Mary when she pointed at me. I guess I was having fun just by looking at them that I didn't even notice that I'm all by myself, just watching them. 

Kendrick shot his head up to look at me and he looked surprised. The smile faded. With his sister beside him, both of them went to me.



Why am I stuttering? He said nothing after.


"Liberty, this is my brother.Kendrick. We look alike, right?" Mary broke the silence.

"Oh, so you're name's Liberty. Nice to meet you." Not a single smile flashed across his face. 

"And you're Kendrick. It's really nice to meet you, too."

What in the world is happening? Why does it sound like we just met for the first time? Well, it's the first time that we've known each other's name so I guess that would be acceptable, right? But still, how I can be so stupid of talking to a total stranger and not a single thought of asking for his name ever crossed in my mind. Stupid move, I know. But you gotta agree, once a hot guy started talking to you, you wouldn't help but get lost in the moment and not care about any other thing but the thought that there's a hot guy in front of you and even talking to you, right?

The awkward moment broke as we heard the bell ring. We bid to each other goodbye and each went to our classrooms. It was pretty weird for me because once we knew what each other's names were, it felt like we never met in the park, his dog never peed on the tree I was resting on, he never walked me back to the boarding house, we never talked in the schoolbus, then nothing. Absolutely nothing. What did I do that I suddenly felt that he's ignoring me somehow? What did I do? Was it because Chase pulled me away from him this morning? But they're cousins, right? Aren't they in good terms with each other?




"What's up, buttercup?"

I quickly glanced up to the person who just went to me. And to think that my day wouldn't get any worse.

"What now, dumbass?"

He sat on the chair next to me. We're in the cafeteria and I'm alone in a table next to the dumpster.

"You didn't even touch your food. What's wrong?" he looked at me with a sincere look on his face. Did Kendrick and Chase exchange souls or something?

"Why do you care?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Why are you answering my questions with another question?"

"Am I not allowed to?"

"Will you stop?"

"What if I won't?"

"Why won't you?"

"Because I want to?"

"Why do you want to?"

He smirked. "You're good at this."

"Thanks. And what happened? Did you exchange souls with someone nice that you even cared about what's bothering me?

"No, I just came here to annoy you." 

I heaved out a sigh then just stared at my food. It's quite unusual for me to be stressed out like this.

"What are you so stressed about?"

What am I really stressed about? Was it because Kendrick is ignoring me? Was it because this annoying shitface dumbass is in my presence? Or is my period just coming up?

"I don't even know!" 

I scratched my head, took my bag, then walked out of the cafeteria. 

I headed at the back of our school and screamed. I've never been this stressed in my whole life. Problems keep on coming and I'm just one weak opponent. I guess I'm just homesick. I miss my sister, my family, mom and dad, and my friends in my previous school. I guess I just don't like being ignored by anyone that I'm freaking out about Ken acting like he barely even knows me.

"I knew the sound of a dying seal was you." 

I heard a familiar voice that made me shoot my head up that I almost thought my neck would be dislocated if I ever do it again.


He sat next to me on the tree. Behind our school is a place full of trees that is really calming to look at. Nature calms me down, that's why.

I felt his soft hands touch my chin and made me face him. His gentle fingers wiped something off my cheek. I didn't even notice I was already crying.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"I saw you and Chase talking in the cafeteria...then you looked annoyed and stormed out...I ran after you and saw you go here then I heard you scream."

I just nodded. Now he knows me?

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't know how to act around you with my sister. I was surprised that you've met her and it's the first time that she ever introduced me to a girl 'cause she hated all my past girlfriends and I promised that she and mom will be the only girls in my life and no one else...So I acted as if I'm not interested in you at all."

"How about Chase?"

"What about him?"

"Why'd you act as if you've never known him. He's your cousin right?"

He was silent for a moment then sighed.

"He's my half-brother actually."



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