Chapter 9

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I woke up with the worst feeling in the world. My body is aching and my head feels like it's gonna crack open any second. 

I can't remember anything that happened last night after my sister went off. Everything was blurred after. I went out of my room just to see a huge pile of mess. I think my room is the only clean place in this boarding house. Glancing back, I saw a note by my door saying "NO ONE'S ALLOWED TO ENTER THIS ROOM. IF YOU DO, YOU'LL GO HOME CARRYING YOUR BLOODY HEAD ON YOUR HAND. -CHASE"

I giggled. That dumbass is just full of surprises. Looking around, I saw a foot sticking out from the sofa and to my surprise, Kendrick, with his mouth wide open, is in a deep sleep. I went back to my room to get my blanket then went back to Kendrick and covered his body with it. Speaking of blankets, it is kind of chilly this morning. I don't  know why I have this feeling that I forgot something about Ken. But oh well.

When I was about to go upstairs to check on Chase, I smelled bacon coming from the kitchen. As I entered, I saw a table full of food for breakfast and Chase cooking bacon and making toasts at the same time.

"Someone's up pretty early today." I said as I sat by the counter top.

Chase looked like he had seen a ghost as soon as he looked at me as I spoke.

"Bloody hell. Did you get  hit by the bus before you came here?" then he looked at me from head to toe.

I reached out for a big spoon and checked on my reflection. And bloody hell indeed, I looked like I got ran over by elephants, rolled over mud, and got hit by billions of trucks. What happened last night anyway?

"Aww-- my head..." My head ached suddenly and good thing Chase caught me before my body hits the floor. He assisted me to a nearby chair and looked at me closely.

"Are you alright? I know you really look bad but you don't have to faint."

Annoyed, I punched his shoulder as hard as I could, not minding my sudden headache.

"It's not my face dumbass. Damn. How muh did I drink last night?" I said while massaging my head.

"Oh, that reminds me. What did you want to forget last night?" He asked as he took some medicine in the cabinet.

"What? Why?" Why does it feel like I really don't want to know what I want to forget???? (wat)

"You kept on saying 'I want to forget'" he had that confused look on his face.

And then it hit me. I remembered everything that happened. I remember bringing Kendrick upstairs and how drunk he was and then...

The words "I love you" came out from his mouth.

"What happened last night?" 

My heartbeat went to a speed of a million kilometers per millisecond the moment  I heard that voice. Kendrick, with his bedhead, stretched and yawned as he took a bite from one of the toasts that Chase made. Noticing the medicine kit nearby, he then shot a glance at me.

"What's wrong, princess?" he looked at me closely.

"I-im okay." I stood up, went out of the kitchen then headed to my room. I don't feel like facing him. Are those words even true? I won't let that...event....happen again. I won't be fooled because of that four letter word...and besides, I don't want to ruin our friendship because of that. But come to think of it, he was just drunk, right? Maybe he was just joking. Maybe he had just mistaken me for another girl. Right? RIGHT???

I was lying down on my bed, facing the ceiling, and just thinking when I heard knocks on my door.

"Princess? What's wrong? Chase told me you're just worried that you look terrible this morning. It's okay. I won't laugh at you about it. I've seen worse...I think."

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