Chapter 4

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Feeling something poking my cheeks, I woke up and saw that shitface dumbass sitting on my bed, yet again. I checked my phone to see what time it is and it says that it's freaking 4 o'clock in the morning. I looked at him drowsily and slapped him. I didn't get to slap him THAT hard because I'm still feeling weak so my slap probably felt like a paper slapped him.

"What do you want?" I asked, feeling like I could fall asleep any second.

"It's my monthsary with my girlfriend today." I heard him say.

"No, don't fall asleep, please. I want to do something special for her." I guess I was really sleepy because he's slapping me (not that hard) right now...and did he just say the word "please"?

I got up, rubbed my eyes, stretched, yawned, then looked at him.

"You're really serious about this girl, huh?" I asked.

"Of course I am. WHo do you think I am? Just someone who doesn't take relationships too seriously?"

I looked at him from head to toe.


"Ouch. Well anyway, what do you think should I give her?"

"Look here, bud. I believe she doesn't need material things to make her love you. Your presence is enough. A simple 'Happy monthsary, baby' will make her the happiest person in the whole world."

He looked at me straight in the eye.

"My presence and a simple greeting is already enough? Who are you kidding? Judges in a beauty pageant where all the nicest and most humble things should be answered?"

I smirked.

"You're right. I dunno. Cakes? Jewelries? Anything. It's enough as long as it came from you."

He looked at me again.

"I'm serious." I added.

"You sure?"

"More than sure. NOw please get off my bed, get out of my room, and let me sleep peacefully. Thank you."

I turned around and I felt him move away from my bed. Before he closed the door...I don't know if I heard him right but...did he just say "thank you"?


What a nice SUnday afternoon. I was looking for the right outfit for my "date" as what he calls it for later in the park when my phone rang.


"Ms. Carter? I'm Dr. Evans, your sister's doctor? I'm afraid your sister had an asthma attack."

My eyes widened and my heart pounded fast upon hearing this. I dropped my phone and run off outside. Chase was by the door when I bursted out, crying.

I heard him call out to me when I was getting in the taxi but I ignored him. Nothing is more important than my sister's life.


"How are you feeling?" I asked her once she opened her eyes.

"A bit dizzy and weak...but I'm alright." she responded, her voice was faint. I held her hand.

"Aunt Marie told me you tried lifting father's old barbels?"

"I need some muscles." she answered jokingly with a faint smile.

I kissed her forehead.

"Please don't worry me like that again. I died a million times when your doctor called."

"I'm sorry" she squeezed my hand and I replied with a smile.

"Ms. Carter, it's time for your sister to get some rest." her nurse told me.

I bid my sister goodbye and I left. It's already 6 o'clock in the evening and guess what, I didn't go to the so-called "date". I hope that dude forgives me.

I sat on one of the benches in the park and looked around. Everything looked peaceful. One of the lamp post's light was already flickering on and off, scary, but I don't mind.


I turned around and searched for the voice who called out to me. It was Chase.

"Oh hey..." I wiped the tears from my eyes. This always happens. Whenever I'm alone at night, my tears would just fall. I had a tragic past and I'm not ready to tell all about it to you yet.

"You alright?"

"Never better" I lied.

He sat next to me and surprisingly...he hugged me tight and rubbed my back. He would tell me to let it all out and I did. I cried hard like I never cried in my whole life. He comforted me with words I never knew would come out of his mouth. He made me laugh that night too and that was the moment I felt close to him. I never knew he has that side of him that makes you feel like you're at home. He's that someone that looks like he hates all your guts and calls you a bitch when you bump on him but in reality, he's just a person with a really weird moodswing. He can be sweet and bitter; he can be mean and loving; and all of that stuff that people with moodswings have. 

"Shouldn't you be on a date with your girlfriend right now?" I broke the silence among us.

"She'll understand." he smirked, and I did too.


"That's what friends do, right?" he looked at me with a silly grin in his face.


He smiled a really warm smile. And at that moment, all I can say is...He's beautiful.

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