Chapter Ten

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Nitty's POV

I Watched As Natalie's Face Turn Completely Beet Red Almost As If She Had Seen A Ghost Or If She Actually Had Been Pierced With The Bullet I Was About To Shoot.

"Awww, Look At You. Cat Got Your Tongue Huh?" I Said Laughing.

She Looked At Me And You Could Hear The Gulp Running Down Her Throat. I Wouldn't Say Running But It Was More Of A Hard To Get Out Type Of Gulp.

"Nit .. Why Are You --- "

"Why Am I What Bitch ? I've Seen It All And Done It All B. What Makes You Think Your Words Of Pitty Are Gonna Make Me Feel Sorry? You're Just Like The Rest Of Them .. All Of This Is A Wrap .. Now We Can Do This The Easy Way Or The Hard Way .. I Don't Wanna Hear Your Shit Or Your Sorry Ass Cries .. Bitch Get On Your Knees Get Ready To Die."

She Looked At Me And Slowly Dropped To Her Knees. Begging And Pleading To The Sky. I Cocked The Gun And Got Ready To Load But Down The Stairs Came GG.

"Ayo Natalie Where The Fuck You At? I Said Make Me Something To Eat Not ..."

She Looked At Me And Stood In Shock.

"Nit .. I Didn't Know You Were Coming So Early."

"Does It Matter What Time I Get Here? Early Ain't On Time And Being Late Ain't Either."

I Looked At Her Sternly And Tried To Understand Why The Fuck These Two Were Naked. Common Sense Told Me They Fucked But Out Of All People Why GG. It Was Cool . I Had A Plan Nobody Knew About . What Was About To Happen Next Was About To Blow All This Shit Out.

"Get Up Hoe." I Said Kicking Natalie In The Knee. "We Got Places To Be."

I Looked Over At GG.

"Go Put Some Motherfucking Clothes On."

GG Did As I Said And Ran Upstairs. Meanwhile I Had Little Mrs. Prissy Climbing In The Trunk Of My Car. I Waited On GG To Come Out The House And Sat And Thought About Jay And What All Possibly Was Happening To Her While She Was In Jail . Maybe When She Gets Out She'll Understand That I Did This For Her .. Us .. Our Future .

Natalie's Muffled Cries Echoed From The Trunk Of The Car And All I Could Do Was Laugh. All That Pain They Put Me Through Growing Up With Them. All Beginning In 10th Grade ..

~~ Flashback ~~

"Eww Nelly , Why Would You Do That?" Everyone Screamed And Laughing At Me. At The Time Our Teacher Hadn't Even Walked In , And Everyone Was In My Face For Something I Didn't Do .

"I Didn't Do It .. I Swear I Didn't." I Said Breaking Down.

"Yes You Did. Tee Said You Sent Her Nudes. Sloppy Body Ass Hoe." Said Kayleigh Pushing Me Down.

"No I Didn't!!" I Screamed In Defense.

"Yes You Did . You Know You Did. You Did It Because You Know I Like Her!!!" Screamed Tiffany. "Because Of You Tee Doesn't Want Me Anymore!!". She grabbed Her Notebook And Threw It At Me.

"Nitty...Tell The Truth!!" Said Kayleigh "Did You Or Did You Not Send Nudes To Tee?"

"No .. I Didn't Do It!!!" I Screamed Crying As Hard As I've Ever Cried Before. My Hands Were Trembling And My Face Became Puffy And Red.

"You're Such A Liar!!!!" Screamed Tiffany As she Punched My Back. Instantly Her, Kayleigh And A Few Others Jumped In . Hitting Me, Scratching Me And Making Me Bleed Slowly And Painfully.

I Looked Over At Tonii, My Only Friend And Asked For Help. All She Did Was Look Away At Me And Say I'm Sorry.

My Body Became Numb As I Blanked Out. That's Until The Teacher Walked In The Classroom. Pulling The Girls Off Of Me And Immediately Calling The Nurse.

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