Chapter Eight

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Nitty's POV

"Shit!!!!" I Thought To Myself. How The Fuck You Get Into This Nitty????

I Hurried Up Out Of My Car As The Wreck Before Me Was Revealed. There Had To Be At Least 7 Cars Mashed Up Against This Car In The Middle And Lucky Me, I Was Hit Back And Front. From Whoever's Car That Is, And From The Car Behind Me.

"Oh My God!!!" Said One Of The Passengers.

"What Am I Going To Tell My Mom!!!"

"Bruhh, Sherry Is Going To Kill Me!!"

I Listened To The Others Frantically Get Upset About Their Cars, Not Even Examining Mine. About Five Minutes Passed And The Police And Paramedics Pulled Up Checking Each Car To See If Everyone Was Okay.

A Couple Of Police Went To Check On The Others As I Sat By My Car Holding My Head, I Heard A Faint Whisper.


I Turned Around Quickly And Noticed I Couldn't See Anybody.


I Looked Around Again.

"Who's There???"

I Stood Up Quick. I Really Don't Do Ghosts Or No Shit, So If That's What It Was I Was About To Be On My Way Like I Don't Want To Be Haunted Or Any Of That Shit.


Over And Over, Whatever Is Was Repeated My Name, That's Until I Heard The Movement Of Glass Against The Pavement. Grabbing My Phone I Turned On My Flashlight And Noticed A Hand Filled With At Least 12 Pieces Of Shattered Glass Penetrating And Blood Everywhere.

"Oh My God!!!" I Screamed Out In Panic.

I Rushed Quickly To The Car, Examining The Hand And Whose Hand Was It And Wondering Was It Still Attached To That Person. Moving A Couple Of Car Parts, I Unraveled A Body. This Body I Was Really Aware Of It. For It Belonged To Kayleigh Santiago.

"Oh...My...God!!" I Said Looking At Her.

Her Feet, Legs And Thighs Penetrating With Glass All Around. Her Stomach Was Pierced With The Biggest Piece Of Glass And Above Blood Was Gushing From Everywhere. Her Face Was Very Pale And Her Veins Were Popping Out Of Every Angle Of Skin. She Was Loosing Too Much Blood And Her Consciousness Was Leaving As Well.

She Looked Up At Me, Smirking Slightly.


She Breathed Heavily As She Spoke, She Wasn't Going To Make It.

"You....Snitched.... On Ms.." She Coughed In Between. "Monroe..Stupid Bitch!!"

"Look Kayleigh We Need To Get You To A Hospital. We Can Talk About This Another Day, Please Watch Your Mouth."

"Another...Day." She Laughed A Little Almost As If She Was Gonna Faint Any Minute From Now.

All I Could Do Was Roll My Eyes. I'm Over Here Trying To Help This Little Bitch And She Over Here Being A Asshole.

"Look Kayleigh, I Could Give Two Fucks About You Or That Situation."

"Excuse Me Ms..."

I Jumped Up As I Saw Police Officers Approach Me.

"Ma'am What Are You Doing?? Why Didn't You Yell For Us Knowing There's Somebody Who Could Possibly Die!"

A Couple Of Paramedics Ran To Kayleigh's Side, Slowly Lifting Her From Out Of Her Car And Placing Her Onto The Stretcher. Checking Her Pulse And Making Sure Her Vitals Were Okay...They Weren't. Rapidly, They Rushed Her On The Ambulance And Leaving On Sight.

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