2009, June 8.

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Hey Diary,

It's my dad's birthday. I have a great plan in my mind.

It's actually already at work.

I offered to bake the cake, and I'm making it a special cake. My baking skills are pretty damn good I have to say.

So I baked it, and each slice is going to be special. One per person, and they all have things that the person likes.

We finished dinner 2 hours earlier and now it's time to open presents. I got dad a wrench. Swarinaquella got him a kiss. A kiss?

That's the worst gift ever unless you're Leonardo DiCaprio. If you're Leo, then Best. Gift. Ever. Still no Oscar though.

Anyways, after that, we ate cake. I watched Swarinaquella eat her piece from the corner of my eye, adrenaline coursing through my veins. The butterflies in my stomach were about to bust out, when she gagged.

She coughed and coughed; blood spurted from her mouth.

Dad gasped. Toby and I went with it.

Swarinaquella kept choking, when a cut formed on her neck. A cut from the inside.

She coughed one last time, and a piece of utility knife blade flew out, forming a gash from outside her neck deep into the inside. I'm glad she swallows her food whole.

How did I know this? Paying close attention to her eating habits help a ton.

Dad called 911 but it was too late. Haha.

I seriously love the rush of adrenaline.

Toby stabbed my dad from the back without even flinching. He did that just in case dad suspected us and and told the police.

I get to inherit his money, so that's a plus.

I dug through the papers on his desk and found his bank info. He's so lazy he didn't even shred the copy. I grabbed Emilia from her crib and ran.

Toby, Emily, and I ran and ran and ran. We didn't stop.

News update: police suspect the killings are associated with the missing girl, as her family is being targeted. Please report if you know anyone who has hatred towards her family. More information at our website..

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