Chapter 9

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I strolled through the corridors and pushed through the doors, coming out onto the grassy banks and made my way onto the school field. I continued walking until I could see the footballers practising for the first game of the season tomorrow. As I dug out my homework, so it would seem I was doing my Chemistry homework when I was in fact watching the football team practise, I noticed my dear brother Sherlock sitting on his own, on the edge of the field, making no attempt at looking subtly at the football players. I sighed, and jogged around the edge the field to join him.

"How are you brother dear?" I asked him courteously. If he didn't reply, I was walking away.

He didn't reply.

I turned on my feet and tuned to leave.

"I have a lead on the Carl Powers case." His deep voice answered a different question entirely.

"Carl Powers... there is no Carl Powers case." I countered.

"Yes there is." Sherlock answered instantaneously. I sighed yet again, and sat down cross-legged next to him.

"No, there isn't. Carl Powers was just your roommate, who drowned in a swimming pool in a tragic accident. Look, I understand that you might feel--"

"Feel? Carl was an ignorant kid who was stupid and moronic. We never even talked to each other." Sherlock snapped back.

"So... then.. what do you think happened?" Sherlock looked at me strangely.

"Why didn't anyone notice..." he muttered. "He didn't have his shoes!" He half-yelled, making other students nearby look at him strangely.


"Ah. How could I..." Of course. His shoes. I quickly thought of the evidence which I had so quickly dismissed and ran through them in my head. "He had eczema, didn't he?" Sherlock nodded quickly in reply.

"What was the poison in the eczema medication?"


"Who did it?"

Sherlock scowled. "I don't know. Carl was a moron, but he didn't have enemies."

I sighed, yet again. "Well, at least we have enough to go on with to the police. How's John?"

Sherlock hesitated, before shrugging. "He has other friends." Wait... other?

"Other friends? Are you his friend?" I could've sworn he blushed slightly.

"I don't know. No. He's just my roommate and classmate." Sherlock muttered, before looking away at the players. I followed his gaze to John.

"Why are you here, anyway?"

"John asked me to wait for him, because he needed to talk to me urgently after this." Sherlock stated shortly.

I paused. "He's a good player, isn't he?"


Well. That seemed to have slipped out of my brother's mouth. He looked a little shocked at himself for blurting it out, and resumed tugging at the grass watching the players.

"Anyway, how's Greg?"

I was startled; "Fine. Why do you ask?" I dreaded the answer.

He looked at me. "Oh please. Don't tell me you don't actually know that you both stare at each other? It's so blindingly obvious, even John must've noticed it by now."

 I blushed slightly. Had I really been that obvious? And does Greg really stare at me like that?

I looked away at my brother, and glanced at my watch. "Oh dear, it looks as if my Head Boy duty is upon me, must dash dear brother. See you soon. Give my wishes to John." I stood up quickly, and stalked away, knowing full well that Sherlock was snickering, and that he bloody well knew my duties had just finished.

And Together We Fell (prev. "Teenlock") - An AU Sherlock/Johnlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now