Chapter 20

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A little (or rather big) time lapse to February! I try not to make huge time leaps but I need to keep the story going, otherwise they'd still be in December! Okay, catch up: they've had Christmas where they stayed at Baskerville; both Mystrade and Johnlock are still under wraps, and no-one is aware of their relationships. And onwards! Also, dedicated to kp9377 for noticing the Dr Horrible reference; sincere apologies for it being so late!


My hand quickly scribbled away on the paper next to me as John was sat next to me on the sofa, leaning into me with his legs tucked over mine. My other arm was curling around his waist, and John's eyes were closed. The window was open, and the barely sufficient breeze that came through the window ruffled John's hair slightly. The temperature had suddenly ratcheted, even though it was the end of winter, and nearly the beginning of spring.

"Sherlock?" John asked, his eyes still closed.

"Yes, John?"

"...Are you doing your history essay whilst I'm right next to you?"

I hesitated.

"...No...John...?" I heard him give a derisive little snort, and for just a moment I felt something inside of me flare up. I was yet to get used to these emotions.

"You, Sherlock, are the worst liar I've ever met In my entire life. Gimme." He opened his eyes and stuck out his hand. I gave a sigh, smirked, and gave the paper, or rather papers, over to him. I felt him sit up, and immediately felt the loss of his body leant against mine.

"Christ, Sherlock... I've only done a page and a half... how the hell have you managed to do 5? And still going?!"

"I'm not entirely sure, John. I just let my hand write whatever forms in my mind."

" that why you've written 'My John' in the middle of this sentence?"

I sat up properly, alerted. "What? Which one?"

"That one." He pointed at a sentence near the end. Ah. So I had. I smirked at John, and pushed the papers out of his hand out of instinct.


"What? They're my papers anyway..." I grabbed his collar and pulled him forward, and stopped him when our noses were touching.

"Hey, did I give you permission to do that?" John said indignantly, not taking his eyes of mine. It was a strange feeling; it was as if our eyes and gazes were locked onto one another.

"No. Did I need your permission?"

"Hell no." He pushed forward, and soon was leaning over me, his lips on mine and his hands over my shoulders as I leant against the arm of the sofa. But just as I was beginning to lose control of my senses and mind, a knocking came from the door. John broke away, looking down at me.

"To be continued?"

"But of course, my dear Watson." He smirked, gave me a single kiss on the lips, and stood up, walking over to the door. I forced my mind to be focused; I couldn't have anyone see me in this state.


"Oh... oh hey Anderson. What do you want?" I heard the suppressed annoyance in John's voice, and as I bent down to collect my papers I listened intently to the conversation between John, and the infamous moron known as 'Anderson'. No-one knew his first name.

"Hey, John, is it true that Mycroft Holmes and Greg Lestrade are gay for each other?"

I stopped, upon hearing my brother's name, stood up, leaving my papers on the ground. The first thing I saw was not only Anderson at the door, but a couple of his moronic friends gathered around too. I also saw John tighten his grip on the doorframe. I stayed hidden, behind the door.

And Together We Fell (prev. "Teenlock") - An AU Sherlock/Johnlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now