Chapter 16

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John and I were sat outside in the late autumn air, on the grassy banks where the sun was shining; well, I was sat under a tree in the shade. I was furiously typing away at John's laptop, which I had borrowed, and he was lounging, his shirt riding up slightly, exposing his slim stomach. I forced my attention away from him and focused on the laptop.

"John, can I borrow your phone?"

"Sure... oh, sorry, it's in my dorm."

"It's in my pocket." I murmured. I couldn't afford to be distracted right now; all I needed to do was print off these sheets, and I was done...

"Christ Sherlock, get it yourself." John huffed, and led back down.

"John. Phone. Please." I emphasised on the 'please', knowing it would appeal to John. He didn't move for a second, then got up and roughly shoved his hand down my chest pocket. "Careful," I growled at him, and he glared at me and grabbed the phone, giving it to me. I quickly typed Mycroft the message, keeping it turned away from John, and waited impatiently for it to send; once it had, I deleted it from the system. I handed it back to John, instead of keeping it in my chest pocket. He flicked through it.

"Must be ever so important for you to delete..." He muttered sarcastically; I didn't know whether it was directed to me, or to himself.


"Never mind." He replied, and leant back against the tree. This time, I just couldn't help myself from looking at him, and deducing him. His eyes were closed, his arms behind his head, and his breathing was slow and steady; he was calm and relaxed. The mud and gravel layered on top, on his leather shoes, indicated he had recently been to the Geography huts, probably to talk to the teacher about the latest assignment. He had finished the biology work 10, maybe 15 minutes ago, judging by the smudge of ink on his right index finger, and by the imprinted words the side of his hand: "-de the chromosomes an-". He recently had a shower, and his shampoo scent was still hanging around him, slightly cloying. He was opening his eyes lazily, and he was blinking a couple of times in my direction. Before I knew it he was standing up. I blinked myself a few times, startled; had he seen I was staring at me? Then I reminded myself; I wouldn't care.

But had he seen?

He had opened his mouth, and was mouthing something. S-...Sa-... what was he mouthing?

"Sarah?" He whispered. I twisted savagely around, twisting the muscles in my neck; who was Sarah? Come on Sherlock, you've seen that name before... I checked my mind and ran through it, finding nothing.  "Sarah!" John yelled. Who the hell was sh--


Sarah was John's ex-girlfriend.

I followed John's gaze properly this time, and saw a girl with light brown hair standing with a few girls, obviously looking back at John.

John immediately hurried over, stumbling slightly. I hesitated, debating on whether to join him or not; but then the obvious answer appeared.

I stood up immediately, shutting the laptop with force, tucked it under my arm, and strode over to John, easily catching up with him. I arranged my features in my normal face: 'I honestly could not give two shits about you.'

He was smiling, and so was Sarah. I glanced her over. Taking chemistry and biology, but not physics, for GCSEs; wants to become a doctor, more likely a G.P; wears glasses, but only for reading; another man's deodorant on her; has a boyfriend. I disliked her immediately. I resolved to treat her like every other individual other than John.

"S-Sarah... hey!" John stuttered, looking like a lovelorn child. Indigence swelled in inside of me. I stood beside John, my back straight, my head up, and let one of my limited range of emotions flit across my face subtly; distaste.

And Together We Fell (prev. "Teenlock") - An AU Sherlock/Johnlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now