Chapter 24

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I just want to thank you guys so so so much for getting TeenLock to get to 70,000!! (just realised that TeenLock isn't such a great name for a teenlock, is it?)

merry christmas and a happy new year dudes

sorry this chapter's a bit small


and sorry

sorry for



also tell me about your Christmas and New year in the comments! Along with profanities if you wish!

also bear in mind I haven't had proper time to check and edit it, which I'll totally do soon :) <3

(sticking with the 3rd person point of view!)

John tapped away on the sleek bannister as he climbed the stairs, his fingers automatically and subconsciously playing a tune buried deep in John's mind. He didn't even notice as he walked up the stairs to his dorm, coming back from the last lesson. He bumped into someone hurrying the other way, and saw it was Sam, Sam Winchester. The two smiled and shook hands.

"Hey John, what's up?" Sam towered over John, even though he was a year or two younger. John stuck his hands in his pockets, the tapping on the bannister forgotten.

"Nothing much. Just going back to my dorm... probably going to finish an English essay but... anyway, how are you? How's Castiel?" He added, still feeling slightly guilty about Castiel's demise. Sam noticed and gave John an reassuring smile.

"Great. Good. Cas's doing well, especially now that Dean is spending all his time by Cas. You... you do know they're... um... together--"

"Oh yeah," John smiling. "Sherlock saw that right away, as soon as he saw them."

"Yeah... anyway, Dean hasn't come out quite yet, so don't actually tell people yet, 'cause he'll kill me. Or you. He's very protective of Cas." He nodded at the end, emphasising his point, and grinning once more at John. "Anyway, see ya around John."

"Bye Sam!" The two then continued their path going opposite directions on the stairs; John, at the top of stair case, looked back to see Sam stumble at the bottom, and to be helped up by a blonde girl, who looked to be of around the same age. Whilst John looked on, they talked for a bit, and when she walked away Sam kept looking back at her, looking happy and slightly confused. John smirked, before continuing to the dorm. He saw the dorm door was slightly open, and walked straight to it, talking whilst pushing the door open. "So Sherlock, there's a-- Christ!" As soon as John looked up, he swore mid-sentence and froze, taking in the scene unfolding in front of him.

Sherlock, his hair messy and his shirt untucked and askew, was lying on the bed, slouching up against the wall and smiling to himself. A small bottle of-- actually, quite a few small bottles of something were scattered around him; his hand was clutched around one as he brought it to his, quite unaware that John had entered the room. John snapped out of his frozen state, strode forward and grabbed the bottle out of Sherlock's hand in confused anger, just as it was about to touch Sherlock's lips. Sherlock whined as John took a tentative sniff; there was no doubt about it, this was just your normal beer. He had smelled it enough times on his father.

"Sherlock..."John said weakly, confused, "...what's going on?"

To be honest, when he had first met Sherlock, he had expected him to do some pretty weird things in the future maybe, maybe get into fights, or skip classes, or do something really strange for an experiment.

And Together We Fell (prev. &quot;Teenlock&quot;) - An AU Sherlock/Johnlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now