Chapter 25

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(AKA the one where Greg Lestrade is everyone's best friend!)

"John, look, I'm so sorry mate."

It had been a week since Sherlock and John had been separated at school, and it had been rough.

John leant down to retie his football laces. "Thanks Greg. You're the first person not to take the piss, and I appreciate it."

Greg fumbled with the buttons on his shirt as he squinted as John. "What've the others been saying?"

"Just stuff, like "that's what you get for hanging around with Holmes", and "you're such a fag, I bet you wank off thinking about that dickhead". So, you know, the usual."

"Bastards", Greg muttered viciously under his breath. "And it's everyone on the football team, isn't? I've got half a mind to switch to rugby, at least that lot aren't such morons, and Mycroft told me how half of them are gay or bi, so they're not gonna take the piss are they?"

"Just what I was thinking," John looked across the field to where the footballers were already running circuits. They both watched as they came nearer and nearer. "How's Mycroft? I haven't really had the chance to speak with him."

Greg shrugged. "Coping, I guess. Still Head Boy, 'cause he talked his way into it like he always does. Sherlock still got excluded though, but Mycroft managed to talk your father into not excluding him for a month," he lowered his voice slightly as the footballers ran nearer, "'cause apparently after you left they reconsidered it, the exclusion and possibly the expulsion, but Sherlock wouldn't stop yelling at them. Mycroft barely managed to get him to calm down and to get him to shut up. He talked to them about it. Got it down to a week. He got back yesterday."

"That man is a Godsend, "John muttered.

Greg smirked. "You're telling me. He's also a Godsend with the kissing, absolutely fantastic--"

"Jesus, Greg... shut up!" He elbowed Greg, and smiled. Smiled for the first time in the week, and was quickly cut off.

"Oi, Greg! Why aren't you and John doing circuits?" The group of footballers jogged past, with Anderson yelling at the two.

"Because we had to wait fifteen minutes for you to get off your lazy arses and get down here, so we've already done them! Keep moving, you've got another lap to go!" Greg roared at them, and just as the group passed them directly, you could just hear Anderson mutter, "alright, fag".

Greg took a step forward and in a heartbeat, Anderson was scuffling under Greg's tight grip on his collar. The other boys hesitantly kept jogging. "Listen here, you." Greg leant closer until he was certain he was filling all the space and was suitably intimidating Anderson. "If I ever catch you mouthing off me again, you'll be thrown off the team. Got it, Phillip?"

"Yeah." He struggled to stay composed under Greg's glare, breathing heavily from running.

"Good." He let go of Anderson, and he glanced at John scathingly before jogging fast to catch up to the others.

John stared at the group, before turning to Greg. "Still thinking about going into rugby?"

* * *

"Sherlock, look, I'm so sorry."

It had been a week since Sherlock and John had been separated at school, and it had been hell. Well, it had been Sherlock; a week at home with nothing to do other than to continuously think about John and to completely regret drinking in the first place.

"Thank you, Greg." Sherlock muttered, and turned another page of his book. Greg walked a little closer and sat on the end of Sherlock's bed.

"How are you?"

And Together We Fell (prev. "Teenlock") - An AU Sherlock/Johnlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now