Chapter 22 - Literally all (well, almost all) the fandoms! PART ONE

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A/N: Well, here you go guys; the chapter you made! Make sure to comment your thoughts :)

IMPORTANT, MUST READ (ESPECIALLY TO NEWER READERS: if you're reading this, this means you!)


Okay some people are getting confused as to why suddenly a whole new bunch of characters are in this chapter and the next:

Basically, in a nutshell, the next two chapters (and next two chapters ONLY!) is a massive fandom crossover, with 10+ fandoms). Chapter 24 and onwards are Sherlock as normal, YOU CAN SKIP THE NEXT TWO CHAPTERS IF A) IT'S ANNOYING, B) IT'S CONFUSING, AND C) YOU JUST DON'T WANT TO READ IT, BECAUSE THE NEXT TWO CHAPTERS AFFECTS THE OVERALL PLOT IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER!

The long story is:

1) I went to Aussie for three weeks

2) I said I'd have two fabulous chapters to publish when I got back

3) I did not

4) as a crazy idea, after l published one chapter after a few weeks (I am a terrible person), and as a "sorry I was a terrible person)  said that whatever people wrote in the comments of this chapter, I would put in the next chapter, as a one time thing. (This turned into two because IT WAS SO HARD TO WRITE AND IT WAS EXCEEDINGLY LONG (like this chapter's 19 pages man)

5) this meant that I had to write a chapter with 20+ ideas, characters, and plotlines from most fandoms; this included Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Merlin, Harry Potter; as well as references being made to Dr Horrible, DTBA, the Avengers; some were plot lines, like camping, a duet between Sherlock and John. Some people just wanted to see a character like Mike Stamford come back.

6) Basically, you will either love it, or hate it. THERE IS NO INBETWEEN! Or you'll love it but you'll find the doctor who plot line confusing, because damn I had to research about about paradoxes and monsters and some if the information is probably wrong and half of it doesn't make sense

7) Okay dokay this was a forensic_artist announcement you may now read the following chapters c:

THIRD PERSON (oohh I've been wanting to do that for ages!)

"Oh my GOD Anderson if you do not shut up I will murder you and make sure no-one finds the body."

In a stunning turn of events, it was raining.

And John and Sherlock were stuck in a tent with Anderson and Greg for an entire two days.

See, there was a school trip, and the Year 10s were to head to an empty forest for two days, with at least one Year 11 stuck with each group for supervision. And of course, John and Sherlock were together, and Greg, being forced to accompany a group on this group, complied to be their supervisor. The small problem, however, was that one person had no-one to go with. And the teachers stuck him in this group.

And that one person was Anderson.

It was 8pm at night, and it had taken the year group exactly 3 hours to get to this forest, where the teachers made a mistake and went to the wrong train station, but managed to acquire tickets for the entire year group. The teachers wanted them to "get away from their laptops and focus on the wildlife whilst camping". Of course, this mean hell for Sherlock and John.

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