Chapter 18

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Okay guys.

There is another reference in here, to a less well-known BUT AMAZING musical fandom (but not a Broadway musical... YET) 

If you get it first, I will love you forever, dedicate the next chapter to you and follow you. (Oh yeah, I'm THAT dedicated to it)

If you get it after someone else got it, I will still love you. Forever.

If you don't get it, I will still love you. Forever. Because you're actually reading this fanfic ^.^


"John Watson, pay attention!" The sharp yell of Ms Singer jolted me back into reality. I blinked a few times, to find myself at the end of a ruler.

"Y-yeah, yes, uh, yes, sorry Ms Singer."

Her studious brown eyes squinted at me, judging me silently, before slowly gliding her eyes to a student on the other side of the room, chewing gum. I let myself sink back into my semi-comatose state. Her ramblings had sent the entire class into a stupor, and she had only just realised that I, out of the entire class, was not listening; even though half of them were talking to each other.

I let my mind wander. Normally, my mind would produce memories of my family, but the second I wasn't focusing, the first image to appear in my head was of Sherlock.

Seriously, this happened every time I closed my eyes or let my mind wander. I'd close my eyes, and his structured face would faze into my vision. Every time I looked out the window, not listening, his eyes would just suddenly materialise.

Oh my God. I sound like a love-struck girl. What the hell does this mean anyway?

The bell rang, and half the class jumped, including me; how had time gone so fast? However, as soon as the bell stopped after a few rings, the entire class were already behind their chairs, bags slung over their shoulders and mobile phones out. Ms Singer glared at us all, before waving her pink nails in the general direction of the door. There was a sudden scrum, as everyone, including me, ran for the door, desperate to escape the freezing classroom to reach their dorms. After two seconds of frozen panic, somebody managed to squeeze through, allowing the rest of us to stumble our way through the doorway, and letting us run like hell to our dorms. Unfortunately, to reach our dorms, we had to venture outside.

We ran down the stairs, and just legged it through the glass doors across a courtyard, and straight across up a few flights of stairs, where there was still no freaking heat. I envied those whose dorm was closest to the ground floor, and I heard their slamming of doors before I even reached the stairs. I full on ran up the stairs, and just kept going and going until I saw my door, not registering how it was slightly open, and I just ran for it, my arm outstretched, and legs tired from just running continuously and I reached for the door handle, and I felt it's smooth, cold texture, and I pushed it open and didn't see where I was going and I was still running and--

"Arghh!" A cry came from in front of me, and I heard it just before I slammed into something, and we both toppled over onto the ground, everything a blur.

Once I opened my eyes from shock, I saw Sherlock's brilliantly green eyes a mere few inches in front of mine. I blinked, saw the close proximity, and startled, attempted to stand up; however, Sherlock's scarf had somehow tied itself around mine, and my shoe was caught on the bed, so when I tried to pull up I tilted and collapsed sideways.

A silence fell upon us.

"I realise this is a little belated, but hello John." Sherlock spoke slowly. I stopped for a moment, and tried not to make my grin show. I slowly stood up, this time Sherlock getting up with me in sync. We both straightened ourselves up, before realised our scarves were still knotted. I jolted, and immediately began untying the knot.

And Together We Fell (prev. "Teenlock") - An AU Sherlock/Johnlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now