Chapter 15

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"Christ, close the bloody curtains will you?" I yelled into my pillow as a blinding light burst open, threatening to permanently end my eyesight.

"No. Get up. We're going somewhere."

"Um, no. We are not. It's 6:30. Now close the curtains you idiot."


I groaned as I flipped the pillow onto the cool side, and prepared to drift off into sleep again. Sherlock had opened the curtains, and was insisting I get out. At 6 bloody 30.

Suddenly a cold hand grabbed my foot and without thinking my eyes flashed open and I drew my foot out and lashed out on base instinct. Sherlock cried out, and I immediately sat up.

"Oh Sherlock, are you okay? I didn't mean to--"

"No John. That was perfectly acceptable, though you do have a rather stronger kick that I first perceived." Sherlock gave me a small half-smile, and buttoned up his shirt. I stopped myself from staring, by pointedly looking at the ceiling. "Now please. Get up and dressed."

"Fine." I sighed, and got out of bed. "You bastard..." I muttered under my breath.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that, and I shall be waiting outside the dorm for you in precisely 5 minutes."

"5 minutes--?" But he had left without another word. Grumbling, and cursing Sherlock, I got dressed.

5 minutes, or thereabouts, I stumbled out of the dorm and into Sherlock.

"Sherlock, where the hell are you doing anyway? It's Saturday, I want my lie in!"

"John. I have found a lead for the Carl Powers case."

"Carl Powers... isn't he the boy who died in the pool, your old roommate?"

"Not died. Murdered."

"Murde-- are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure John, now for God's sake hurry up!" He had never looked so happy and agitated at the same time, in the time I'd known him. He was brimming with excitement, but he was also hopping about on foot to foot in agitation. He leapt down the stairs three at a time, and I barely managed to catch up with him.

"Why on earth are you so happy? So you've found a lead on a 'murder case', so w--"

"That's it John-- it's a murder! Finally, something exciting's happening in the useless school." In next to no time we'd reached the massive doors leading outside.

"Sherlock, are we allowed--"

"Remember John, my brother's Head Boy. I've extracted requests from his contacts before." He said quickly, before swiping a card through the electronic lock. It beeped once, then undid the lock, allowing Sherlock to push through the doors easily and me to slip through uneasily as Sherlock dragged me by the wrist of my jacket.

"Sherlock, where are we even going?"


"Again? Sherlock, I'm sorry, but I don't really want to see a dead kid. No, Sherlock, I mean it." He immediately dropped his hand and spun around to look at me.

"You're... you're not going to come then?"

I hesitated. "Well..." Sherlock flitted his eyes to me, looking like he'd made a huge mistake and that he felt regret.

"No, John, it's uh--it's..." he coughed, and shuffled about, his enthusiasm vanishing in the blink of an eye, "it's fine. You can, um, stay here, and I'll go to Bart's." He paused for a second, face downcast and eyes at the ground. I rethought about what I should do as soon as he turned around.

And Together We Fell (prev. "Teenlock") - An AU Sherlock/Johnlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now