Chapter Five: Bess

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George and I were going to be Nancy's brides maids! Of course, we knew all along, but it was still great to hear Nancy ask us! I couldn't wait to see what we were going to wear! George was begging Nancy to let her wear pants, but I talked her out of it. She said as long as she didn't have to wear heals, she would live.
"What color dresses do you think we are going to wear, George?" I asked my cousin, dreamily. "Of course, we have to match. Our dresses should probably be the same color as the Hardy Boy's ties because that would just be too cute! We should also match some of the decorations at the wedding like the colors of the roses, the curtains, or-"
I rambled on, "Maybe we could wear a maroon colored dress. Possibly a sky blue. Joe's eyes are sky blue.... What am I saying? Oh right, our dresses should cover our feet, especially if you end up wearing sneakers and-"
"I wonder if Joe looks cute in a suit? You should try to talk to Frank more because you have never had a boyfriend. I'll set you up if you want. That way you can dance with Frank and I can dance with Joe or-"
"Bess!" George interrupted me again.
"Bess, calm down. First of all, I am not interested in Frank. Second of all, the dresses, decorations, and all of that are up to Nancy. I know she wants our help with all of that, but don't take over the wedding like the time you took over decorating my Computer Science project." George rolled her eyes at the memory.
"Hey, I made your project look amazing. You would never have won first place in the contest without my help." I smiled proudly.
George laughed, "Ok, yes you did help a lot, but I still think the pink glitter was a little over the top." Of course, George would be against pink glitter. In my opinion, pink glitter made every thing better.
"I don't understand how you can't be bouncing off the walls right now! We are going to be bridesmaids! We will get our hair done, our makeup done, get all dressed up, and oh! It will just be fabulous!"
George bit her lip. "It's just I have never really enjoyed big parties. I mean, I never know what to say whenever people try to talk to me. You always know how to charm people and they love you, but people have to deal with me. I can't even dance!" George wailed.
I gasped at how nervous she looked. I knew she didn't like parties, but I never thought she could be this nervous for one. "Oh, George! You are being silly. No one 'Deals with you', they love you, too! You just need more confidence! I know, I'll teach you! I can teach you what to say, how to dance, and what to do! Oh, it will be such fun! This is what cousin's are for!"
George smiled. "You would really do that?"
"Of course I would! George you are my best friend, I would do anything for you! This wedding is going to be great and we are both going to have a blast!" I hugged George and she hugged me back. The wedding really was going to be a blast.

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