Chapter Forteen: Carson

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"First things first," Fenton said, "Suspects." The Hardy Boy's father had been one of my best friends for years. He loved Nancy almost as much as I did. He swore on his grave that he would help me find Nancy.
    I couldn't believe this was happening. Especially right before the wedding, but maybe that was the point. It was possible someone was trying to stop the wedding.
    "Nancy has lots of enemies," I said. The number of criminals Nancy put behind bars was uncountable. Many people would love to see Nancy kidnapped.
    "Yes," said Frank, "But a lot of them are still in prison." Frank was just like his father, always thinking. They both sat side by side, chin cupped in hand, considering the options. Hannah would not stop sniffling. Bess and George had her in their embrace. Joe sat next to his brother, as usual, and Ned sat by the windowsill.
    I couldn't explain his features. Ned looked almost numb. Unmoving and still. His eyebrows curved inward so slightly, showing how deep in thought he was.
    I called him first after Hannah called me. It was hard to get out the words. Nancy had been kidnapped a few times, but each time caused Ned and I a nervous break down. He was terribly upset. Everyone gathered at the house, worried sick.
    We all knew Nancy could take care of herself, of course, but we still felt the need to help however we could. After the chief left, who was also very devastated, news started to spread. Nancy was pretty famous in River Heights and had helped a lot of people. Many cared for her well being. It was nice to know people were on the look out for her. The whole station was also very interested in her case and was determined to find her as well.
    Who knew if it would be enough, but we all decided to try to find Nancy ourselves. She meant the world to us.
For a few minutes, we started considering suspects and people that disliked Nancy. There were a lot. I was listing names through my head when Ned shouted out, "Brenda Carlton!"
    Bess shot her head around. "Brenda Carlton?" Brenda had been a famous news reporter. If anyone would know that, Bess would. She probably knew the name of every famous person imaginable.
    "Yes!" Ned yelled, "The news said she was recently just released from prison! It makes sense! She hated Nancy for turning her in and would probably love to get her back for it! She could have played it like she was ready to be released when really she a scheming to-"
    "Never jump to conclusions!" Frank and Joe said, simultaneously. Fenton grinned beside them.
    "I have taught you two well. But, Ned they are right. You can't jump to conclusions. That is a possibility, but we will have to talk to Brenda first." Fenton said.
     "We can go, Dad." The Hardy Boys seemed eager to take on a case. After all, they had been off from work for a while because of the wedding.
     "Can I come?" Ned asked, pleadingly.
     Fenton shook his finger at the boys, "Just be careful, will you?"
     George stood up, " What about us?"
     "It might be dangerous and-" Frank started.
     "Don't give me any of that, ' You're a girl ' stuff" George quoted.
     "I didn't say that..." Frank said, "We need you to do something else."
     "What?" Bess asked.
     "I have a plan." Frank said. He normally always seemed to have a plan. "Ned, Joe, and I will go find Brenda and interrogate her. George you are great with computers, you need to do some research on some of Nancy's other enemies. Who was released from jail or how close they live to River Heights. Maybe you can get a few clues. Bess you can help her. Fenton and Carson, you will stay here and keep up to date with the police. Maybe Nancy will even come home, who knows? Hannah shouldn't stay home alone."
     We all agreed with Frank's plan and were pretty impressed. We all wished each other good luck and then everyone parted ways. The Hardy Boys headed down to the station to ask the police about Brenda's whereabouts. Bess and George went to George's house to use her computer. Hannah went to the kitchen to make some calming tea. Fenton and I tuned into the TV to see Nancy's face flash across the screen. She had already made the News. Togo, our dog, sat up from his bed in the corner and ran up to the screen, barking.
     "Sorry, boy. She isn't really here."

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