Chapter Eighteen: Deirdre

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    I tried to leave the diner as soon as possible, but those stupid Hardy Boys and Ned blocked the door.
    I knew I shouldn't have gone out, but I couldn't hid forever. At some point I would have had to face them. Their entrance into the diner threw me totally off guard and my first instinct was to run. Obviously, that was a mistake. I also had to get more food for Nancy and figured I could pick up something at the diner while I ate.
    Now, I was face to face with Nancy's fiancé and two best friends, who are detectives and were totally on to me. I decided to play it the way I know best, according to my Dad, which was bratty.
    "What are you doing? I would like to get home, if you don't mind." My Dad is what set me off when I kidnapped Nancy. We got in a fight when he said I should find myself a boyfriend like Nancy's. He even told me I should be more like Nancy. He called me a brat and that I needed to grow up. That's when I've had enough. Everyone loved Nancy, but no one loved me. Not even my own father.
    Frank and Joe kept blocking the door, while Ned stepped up to me. He looked awful with his straggled hair and wrinkled shirt. Oh god, what had I done?
    "Why are you in such a hurry?" Ned's voice even sounded different. It was lower and didn't hold the usual positive tone it normally had.
    I turned defensive, like I normally did, and spat, "What's it to you?" I don't know why, but whenever someone talked to me, I seemed to turn hostile.
    Now, it was Ned's turn to act defensive, "Deirdre, I'm really not in the mood. Right when we locked eyes, you looked sick to your stomach then tried to run out of the diner."
    "Hey, guys? Maybe we should take this outside?" Joe suggested. I looked around and noticed people staring.
    "Who says I'm gonna talk?" There I go again! I can't ever say the right thing!
    Ned slumped and looked at me pleadingly, "Please. Just talk to me."
    I always had a crush on Ned. I always tried to be nice to him. He was the one person I felt happiest around. Unfortunately, he did not feel the same. "Only if they agree to let us talk in private," I said, pointing at Frank and Joe. There was no way I was talking with them breathing down my throat.
    Frank and Joe looked at Ned who said it was gonna be fine. "Great," Joe said, "I'm starving. Come on, Frank. Let's order some cheeseburgers." Frank and Joe got a table while Ned led me outside.
    Right when my feet hit the sidewalk, I was about to sprint, but Ned acted fast and grabbed my wrist. "Why are you so afraid to talk to me?"
    "You never wanted to talk to me so bad before." I twisted my arm, but Ned held strong. I thought about kicking him, but I caused him enough pain already. Kidnapping Nancy and all...
    "Deirdre, I'm not talking about the past. I'm talking about now. When we walked in, I saw something in your eyes. You were scared. You also looked sad. I have to ask, do you know anything about Nancy's kidnapping?"
    I stopped struggling, fighting back tears. This was it. The moment of truth. I was done. Done. Done, done, and finished. I was gonna go to jail. My Dad would never forgive me. I would be banished. I would never be hired for a good job. No one would date me. My life would be over.
    But, wait! Ned didn't have any proof it was me! I could still get away with it. I could lie. I could use up all I learned from those acting classes I got (I tried to become an actress, but apparently I had a bad attitude).
    I turned to face Ned. I blinked my tears away and put on my blank face mask. "I know nothing about Nancy's kidnapping. It was horrible though, wasn't it? Right before her wedding, too. You must be worried sick. I can see why you would be so quick to accuse me. You want to find her." I smiled warmly, "If you would just let me go, we can forget about this little outburst of yours."
    Ned squinted at me. I wasn't sure if he bought it or not, but it was better than nothing. He let go of my wrist and looked at the cement. "I'm sorry. You face, I just thought you looked..."
    "Guilty? Maybe I was just surprised to see you out and about. I hardly ever see you anymore, Ned."
    Ned looked confused, "Then, why did you try to run out?"
    "Maybe I had somewhere to be. Next time, back up your accusation."
"What about all the food you're holding?" Ugh, would he ever stop questioning me?
"Look, the diner makes a great meal. I didn't feel like making dinner and so I got some food. I know it's a lot, but it makes good leftovers. Now, please just leave me alone." I turned away from the defeated Ned and walked down the street to my car, without looking back.
    I felt terrible about lying, but it was something I did a lot. A single tear ran down my cheek. I was a terrible person. But, at least I was safe, for the time being.
    That was when I realized what really had to be done. I would never get away with this. There was only one thing I could do. I would have to kill Nancy.
    A part of me cringed at the thought. Another part of me smiled for being so smart. I just longed for the relief I would feel after I did it.

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