Chapter Eight: Hannah

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    "Thank you!" I said sweetly to the baker as I walked out. Nancy and I had picked out a beautiful cake with white icing and red roses around the lining of the cake. There would also be a pile of roses on the top of the cake. Simple, yet special.
    I was determined to make this the best wedding it could possibly be for Nancy. After all, she deserved it. All Nancy wanted to do was help people, even when she was just four years old.
    "Just like her Mother," Carson Drew would say. I had never met Nancy's mother, but I heard they looked and acted a lot alike. They also both had a knack for solving mysteries.
    Nancy's mother was actually a spy, but had died of an accident during one of her assignments in Scotland. The sad part was that Nancy barley remembered a thing about her mother, since she died when Nancy was three and a half.
    After hearing about the Drew's needing a Nanny from a friend, I called Carson right up and asked for the job. I was afraid Nancy would  push me away, wanting her mother, but she opened up to me quickly. She fell in love with me and I fell for her. Now, I tried my best to be there for Nancy whenever she needed me.
    I drove back to the house, smiling as I pictured Ned and Nancy walking down the aisle. Soon, I would not be needed at the Drew home any longer. The saddened me, but there were other children who needed Nannies out there.
    I pulled into the driveway and walked to the front door. I knocked, hoping Nancy would open the door so I wouldn't have to unlock it. Instead of an answer, the door opened on it's own. Had I left it unlocked? I walked into the house slowly. "Nancy?"

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