Chapter Ten: Nancy

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    My eyes fluttered open, but I still only saw darkness. I tried to move my hands, but they were bound behind my back. If I stretched my legs, they hit a wall. My mouth was covered with tape.
    I was lying down on my side in a box. No, not a box. A trunk of a car. It was a really small trunk, too. That means it was a small car. The car was also moving. My head bobbed along with each bump we passed. By the way we were moving, I could tell we were going pretty fast.
    "What had happened?" I asked myself. I remember Hannah was going to the bakery. I was home alone, reading when I heard a noise and went downstairs. Somebody clubbed me! "I remember everything now. Oh, how long ago was that? Everybody must be worried. Who did this? And why?"
    My head was also aching. With each bump, my head pounded a little harder. Man, I had really gotten hit.
    I gasped as I remember something else. Before I completely blacked out, I got a glimpse of somebody's shoes. They were heels. Black heals that were probably around a size seven or eight. So, my abductor was most likely a girl. "But, why would somebody wear heels if they knew they would have to drag me out to their car?" So many questions were left unanswered.
    Then, the car lurched to a stop and rolled onto my other side. The engine shut off. I tried to scream, but I guess nobody heard me.
    Then, the trunk opened. It was dark outside, meaning I must have been out for hours if it was already nighttime. My abductor had a lot of time to get away. How far from home was I?
    Nobody was around, so I tried to roll out of the trunk. Before I could even make it around, someone stepped in front of the trunk, blocking me from the outside. The person was dressed in all black with a ski mask, a black turtle neck, and black jeans. They were also wearing the black heels. I tried to place a name for the figure, but no one came to mind.
   She got out a blindfold and quickly tied it around my eyes. I tried to move away, but there wasn't really anywhere to go. After I was blinded, I could feel myself being yanked around and pushed. My ankles were free of any ties, so I could walk. The person lead me around by tugging on my forearm.
    "Stop! Who are you? What do you want?" I struggled, but she was determined to keep a hold of me.
    Then, I heard the sound of a door open and I was shoved into a room. I stumbled, then fell onto my stomach. I heard the door close.
    Great. I couldn't see, talk, or move my arms. The floor was hard, but covered in hay. Was I in a barn? It certainly smelled like a barn. I wrinkled my nose as I took a whiff of the foul air. Another unpleasant situation to add to the list.
    I needed to see to get out of here, so I pushed myself up onto my butt and pulled my knees close to my face. By rubbing the blindfold on my knees, it easily slid off. I could also do this to get off the duck tape.
    That was better. I looked around. It was a dark room with no windows, but I could tell I was in a barn by the wooden walls. I was also surrounded by piles of hay. I could make out a few horse stalls, but no horses. There was only one big, wooden door.
    I rolled over to the door and used the feet to turn the knob. It was locked. Of course. "Help!" I started screaming and kicking the door. Even though it was wood, it was really sturdy. Nobody came.
    I put my ear up to the door. The only thing I heard was the sound of an engine. The car. My abductor. Was she leaving me here? Slowly, the sound of the engine disappeared. Nifty.
    There wasn't much else to do, so I decided to try to find a way to cut the ropes that bounded my hands. Maybe a way out would present itself in time.
    By pushing my back up against the wall, I could extend my legs and make myself rise. At least I could walk.
    Even with my hands were tied behind my back, I still moved them over the walls. I tried to feel for some kind of knife or anything sharp, but I could feel nothing. I also tried to open the gates to the horse stalls, but they were all locked and the walls were too big to climb over if anything was in there.
    I even tried pushing into the barn walls to see if any would give, but they all stood strong.
    Frustrated, I walked to the middle of the barn and surveyed the room. The only source of light came from the little cracks in the door.
    OK, I needed to lay out my thoughts. I am in a big, wooden barn made of dark brown wood. There is yellow hay covering most of the floor. There are also big brown horse stalls that match the walls which are empty, closed, and locked. My hands were tied behind my back with rope. Duck tape was stuck to my knee from my mouth. There are no windows and only one door which is locked and sturdy.
    My abductor is a tall female. She is also pretty strong. Now, I just needed to figure out who she was, why I was abducted, where I was, and how to escape. Alas, those things are all easier said than done.

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