Chapter Fifteen: Nancy

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"Deirdre?" I asked, shouting through the door crack. What was she doing her? I would recognize her voice anywhere. I had known Deirdre for ages, since she was the Mayor's daughter and we went to school together, and she did not seem like the type to be visiting a barn. If anything, she would be visiting the mall.
Deirdre Shannon and I have never see eye to eye. She hated me for some reason. I have tried to be nice, but my whole life she has been flirting with Ned, trash talking me, and trying to beat me at everything. She was kind of a brat and lots of people didn't like her. But, being the Mayor's daughter, you had to learn to like her.
"Keep it down," Deirdre shushed me, "Nobody can know you're here."
"What? No! Deirdre you have to get me out of here! What are you thinking?"
"Shush! Oh, I just never should have done this! I shouldn't be here."
"No, Deirdre! What are you talking about?"
Deirdre was silent. I suddenly heard her get up and start walking away. I yelled her name over and over. She couldn't just leave me here! Well, she could, but she shouldn't!
I stopped yelling to the sound of her running back to the door. "By God, Nancy! Can you just be quiet for five seconds!" I heard a key churning in the door lock. Before I could even try to move through the door, Deirdre came in and closed the door behind her. I realized now why kicking the door would not have opening it. It had to be pulled open or pushed from the outside.
Deirdre looked unusually tired. She always went to bed early because she hated the thought of having to use concealer under her eyes. She also wore a black dress and... Black heels! She was my abductor! My mouth dropped open.
"Here," Deirdre said, dropping apples onto the ground, bananas, and water bottles. I didn't take my eyes off hers because A) She was my abductor and B) My hands were still behind my back and I wasn't able to grab any food.
"Why, Deirdre? After all the years we have known each other, why would you do this?"
"I'm sorry, Nancy! I really am! I never should have done this, but I couldn't take you anymore!" Deirdre put her head in her hands and sunk down to my level, never taking her back off the door.
"Couldn't take me anymore?" I knew Deirdre didn't particular like me, but this seemed a little rash, "You are the one that has been trying to make my life miserable!" Frankly, I haven't seen Deirdre for quite some time. We didn't keep contact while I was away, working. I never visited her or saw her around River Heights when I was home. Frankly, I didn't even know if she had a job. Her family was very rich. Maybe she didn't need one.
"Yes! I couldn't stand you! You always had the fame, Nancy! Even in elementary school, the teachers always liked you the best! Now you are working for the Government while I work in some frickin' shopping mall and now you're getting married to the hottest boy in River Heights when I don't even have a boyfriend!" Deirdre started to sob. I just stared at her. This chick was nuts!
She continued, "It came to the point where I couldn't control my anger towards you. Why did you get such a better life then me! It's not fair! So, I decided if you left, maybe I could be happier. I came to your house. I waited until Hannah left and then I snuck in and-"
"Deirdre. Your life is just as good as mine."
"No, it's not and I deserve better!"
"Deirdre. This can all be sorted out if you just let me go."
"I can't do that, Nancy. I'll go to jail if you get out! I'm sorry it had to be this way, but I have no choice." Deirdre whipped the tears from her eyes and stood up. Then, as quickly as she came in, she left.
"Deirdre! No!" She was crazy! This was crazy!
She shouted through the door, "I'll bring you food and make sure your OK, but I can't let you leave. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this, but it's too late."
"Deirdre my family! Ned! They are all probably so worried and this isn't-"
"Goodbye, Nancy."
"Deirdre, no!" I heard her get into her car and pull away. Tears started to form in my eyes, but I brushed them away. Crying was not going to help me in this situation. The best thing I could do now was try to eat and drink with my hands still bond behind my back. That would not be an easy task...

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