Chapter Nine: George

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    The red fabric felt smooth against my skin and looked nice with my brown hair. The dress also went down to the floor, so no one would be able to tell wether I was wearing heels or sneakers. I wasn't totally ecstatic over the fact that it was a strapless dress, but I would live.
    Bess, on the other hand, was in love with the whole getup. She had already found a pair of black heels for herself while I decided to try to find some black flats.
    Nancy's wedding theme would be consistent of the colors red, white, cream, and black. Bess was also thrilled to discover the Hardy Boys would be wearing red ties on top of their black and white suits to go with our dresses.
    "Oh, George! You look fantastic," Bess cried, running into my room. The red looked really good on Bess, too. She also still had a great summer tan while I was albino, as usual.
    Suddenly, the phone rang. "I'll get it!" Bess walked down the hall to the phone. "Hello... Yes, this is Bess.... What?.... Oh, no.... How could this happen?.... Ok..... Bye...." I walked up behind Bess as she put the phone down.
    She turned to face me and I immediately knew something was wrong. Her face looked stricken. "What is it? Who was that?" I asked.
    "It was Carson. Nancy's missing!" Without another word, we both got out of our dresses, back into our casual clothes, and got into my car.

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