Ugh, why can't I think of a title

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I sat on the old seat of the train, picking at the raggety upholstery, my face pressed again the ice cold window. Aside from the crying children in every other seat, it was alright in that train. I've been in worse situations. Plus, the old man who kept snoring on my shoulder wasn't sitting beside me anymore.

When the train stopped for what seemed like the billionth time I expected it to be to pick up more passengers but I saw a few people who getting up and I realized we had arrived. My face stuck to the window slightly when I tried to leave my seat but it peeled off without the need of another try.

The noise of the train station was deafening. Even more screaming kids and even more old people complaining. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against old people but I generally don't like complaints and old people generally feel the need to complain. It made no sense really. When I become an old person, I'll never complain. Let my future children hit me in the head with my own cane if I even try.

I jump at the last step of the train exit like a small child would. I would consider myself rather childish. At least for a 15 year old. I adjusted my old brown messanger bag so that it would stop digging into my shoulder and searched for the person that was holding the sign reading "Ellis Vincent". I smiled slightly when I saw they had remembered my name was not Alice, as most people often forget.

I finally spotted an older woman, probably around 50 with dark brown hair and pale skin. She was short and plump and had black eyes, But not those cold, emotionless black eyes most people have, they were warm and caring. Sorta like Hagrid's.

She smiled as she saw me coming over. "You must be Ellis. My dear you'll have the loveliest time with us. Trust me hon, you'll love it." She gushed.

Right off the bat I could tell she was talkative, very talkative. Like one of those people that means well, but just doesn't shut up. I smiled and quickly got squished in a hug. She must be a hugger too. She picked off the lint on my shoulder and I chuckled under my breath. She was kind of a female Danny Tanner when I thought about it. I liked that.

She led me over to a small black car and I sat down in the back seat. She didn't put on any music or anything which is good. She could've been one of those people that like really bad country music  or worse, Nickleback and I don't think I could handle that. Better safe than sorry.

We pull up at this ridiculously huge house. Well it did hold like a billion kids so that was understandable. Still, it was pretty cool. I hoped it had a dumbwaiter. Dumbwaiters are just amazing. I mean, it doesn't really get any better than dumbwaiters. It's sorta against the whole "anti-obesity" stuff going on but still, they're pretty darn groovy.

After being told my suitcases and stuff would arrive shortly I climbed up the stairs outside and entered the house. I had a one word reaction. Damn. The house was HUGE.  Like, Hogwarts huge. It was also nicely decorated, I appreciate a nicely decorated house. There was one thing wrong with the picture though. A rather mean looking blonde was standing menacingly in the foyer.

"Hello, you must be Alice." She said, her voice sounding as icy as her cold blue eyes.

"Ellis." I said. My name is not Alice, she was aware of this. She was looking at a clipboard. Why would she do this? 

"Of course. Anyway here are the keys to your room, your things will be brought up later. There will be a map of the house on your desk, use that to get around. I am Natasha Eden. Call me Ms. Eden. That is all you will call me, no nicknames. If you have any questions do not come to me."

I nodded and took the keys and walked upstairs. Thankfully, there was a little sign on my door with "Ellis V." in fancy cursive writing. I entered and frowned slightly. With that huge house you'd expect huge rooms but no, just normal sized room. Not that I was complaining or anything because I was really grateful, truly. My mother never really provided me that great of a living space. That's the whole reason I was sent to that giant house. My dad died when I was younger and my mom went sorta crazy afterwards. She became a major alcoholic. I don't blame her. She just couldn't deal with it on her own, it was too much for her. Losing her first born son in a hit and run only one year before her husband dies in a car accident on a rainy day. My mother has since hated rain with a burning passion.

I left my room after setting down my bag on my bed. I supposed exploring was necassary in a hug house like that one. Being my stubborn self I threw my map in the trash. I regretted doing so directly after. After wandering the third floor (the floor my room was on) I went downstairs. It was around three in the afternoon so most of the kids would be returning from school now. They wore uniforms. This was the worst thing I have discovered since my arrival. I've never met someone who was particularly fond of school uniforms.

I walked outside to get away from the horror of the uniforms and the first thing I saw was another uniforms. Fantastic. There was something a bit strange about this uniform-clad teen. Underneath a gray beanie were two bright pink pigtails. You get to meet some interesting people in life don't you?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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