Chapter 1

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Jenna's POV

Im on my way to our gate. Its late and I guess people inside the house wouldn't notice my sneaky plan on getting away. Its friday night, so you wouldn't expect me to stay at home and just sleep a good night..that's so unlikely of me. I look down at my left hand, my wristwatch reads its almost 12midnight, perfect time for clubbing and ''gimik".

I released a heavy sigh when I reach a cab one block away from home. And yes I did walked.. as you can see I don't have a car of my own and you know exactly why. Well, I used to but being a black sheep in the family I've been on full restraints.. grounded as I may say. But Im not labelled as a black sheep just for nothing, so here I am now making my way out. I smirk as I think of it.

The cab driver looked at me with confusion written all over his face as he saw my smirky smile. I lifted my mind-your-own-business-left-eyebrow, so he backed away and focused driving.

As I enter the Infinity bar, first got my attention is the heavy crowd. I plaster my sweet smile as I walk my way to join them. I spotted a solo table and headed to it faster as I could before anyone can be there. I sit comfortably as I order my drink to a waiter who happen to ask me.

My mood seems to lighten as each music filled my ears. I scan around and find everyone is having a good time just as me. The only difference is they have their friends with them to share it with.

Well, for the record Im a loner so you wont find me hanging out with friends. I prefer it that way. Id like my privacy as of the moment so I dont need anyone to share my life-story with. But my means of a loner is not as the word it is, of course I have my share of childhood friends and classfriends just so you know. I just dont find myself hanging out with them as often as possible. I have my own world to live with.. thats what they always say sarcastically if I refuse to join their every escapades.

My eyes caught a glimpse of a group of guys, probably same age as mine, sitting two tables away from me. My attention focus on a certain guy wearing a black-hooded jacket, with a black cap and a black pants . I wonder if that's his favorite color. Well, if that is so, we're on the same page. I also prefer to wear any but black, I find the color very comforting. I smile as I continue my gaze to that same guy. He seems so cool and...cute!!

I almost choke my drink out as he caught me staring at him. Before I drop my gaze I saw him grinning widely at me. I turn my head sideways, as if checking if that wide grin is really for me. Confirming that his attention is on me and not everywhere else, I raised my drink and smile directly at him.

As he smile and raise his drink back, I nervously tap my drink. Darn! He really caught me. But of course I will not let him intimidate me.

I saw him excuse himself to his friends and headed his way to my table.

"Hi, care for having some company?", he asked with all smiles standing infront of me.

"I dont care, as long as I will know the person's name who is probably too eager right now to be my company", I reply with a shy smile while gesturing the chair across mine.

He grin at my remark.
"Ahmm Finn..and you are...?", he took the chair and offer his hand.

"Jenna", I said taking the offered hand.

"Jenna..a pretty name for a p----." As he released my hand.

"For a pretty lady like me..I know right? As always been told.", I cut him shortly and laugh away.

"Well, you cant blame us for saying the same thing..your name is who you really are.. simply beautiful".. he intentionally looking at my eyes as he said those words or it is just the alcohol that makes me think that way.

I shifted my gaze to the dance floor. Im beginning to feel uncomfortable. It seems he finds himself comfortable with me which on the other hand I feel exactly the opposite.

I dont usually feel this way, I always have the upper hand with the flirtings and all. I had my own shares of no-string-attach-relationships and had series of flings, so I should act as confident as possible.

"Oohh woah! hot shot, Im not usually swayed with such compliments, but this time i will try my very best to consider it".

He smile as I wink at him with my reply.

"You're making me smile, you know that Jenna??..all I want right now aside from complimenting you is to know you even better.."

His words shut me up. I dont know what to say or should I oblige myself to comment with his remark.

"Mind if I ask you this..why are you here alone?"

Save by the bell..He broke the silence and I silently thank him for that..

"Well for one, I dont mind you asking me that question..and for two, so far as I can remember there's no such rules stating that I should be partying with company..unless someone changed the rules without informing me."

He wasn't able to reply immediately with what I said..until we both find ourselves laughing very hard. I saw him wipe the tears in his eyes. Seeing someone laughing is really fun and knowing you are responsible in making him do so is another feeling..somewhat of a very overwhelming one.

"You really are something Jenna, Im glad I happen to meet you".

All I can see is his amuse face.
Okay. That made me speechless. It takes me a minute to reply.

"So hot shot, are you really leaving your friends over there to a total stranger?", as I am pointing his friends, I find myself changing the topic which is a very desperate move to avoid what he just said.

"They won't mind for sure. As you can see they are having fun even without me", he said showing his cocky smile.

"Well, if having some fun means making out and kissing girls randomly here and there, surely it is! they are really having fun all their lives".

"Thats my friends for you".

And again..we both laugh. I didnt realize it is this easy to laugh with a stranger, just until today. It feels so good though.

"And so you dont have friends or boyfriend maybe to accompany you here?, he asked curiously.

"Well if I do, you're not enjoying yourself sitting here with me as you are right now..", I smirk as I reply.

"Of course! So lets call this a celebration then. Cheers to us and for a fun night ahead."

He smile and hold up his drink. I smile back and toss our drinks.

"Cheers it is!!".

And so if a fun night means I need to enjoy it with the very hot shot beside me, Im on with it!! I giggle with my thoughts.

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