Chapter 3

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Jenna's POV

One month later..



" the door..Jenna!!".

What on earth is that noise? Can someone leave me alone and let me sleep peacefully..


"Arrrgg okay..okay!"

I force myself to get up and march towards the door then open it.

"What??", crossing both my hands over my chest, I asked the person who disturbed my beauty rest..and that person is no other than my only sister Julie. Who is now on her beast mode.

"What?? You are asking me what?? Do you really think I will never know what you did and said to Karl thats why he's now breaking up with me?"

Ohh here you go again big sissy..defending such a jerky boyfie..

"What did I do this time..that every concern sister should always do? Protecting, defending,caring----".

"And so you are a concern sister now? Just when?? As far as I know.. You dont know nothing aside from messing up with me..with this family to be precise!!! Thats who you are and always will!! Dont you get it Jenna? We dont need anything from you. Just for once.. leave me and my personal life alone?!!".

"Well..I dont know what to say right now..and surely will I never say sorry for what I did..because YOU already know what kind of boyfriend you have stay away from such a good for nothing person Julie, you are better off without him".

As best as I can, I remain calm. I dont want to argue with her any further. I dont want to regret what I just did and sure thing dont want to regret anymore if I told her the truth. As long as I zipper my mouth..the secret is safe. I know pain when I see it, so I dont want to cause her for telling her what happened.

"Seriously Jenna?? You are making comments about my love life?? How about commenting yours?? Ohh well, you dont have any to begin it with..because you are nothing but a selfish-insensitive-brat who happens to play around!!! Please do me a favor, if you are not happy with your own life, ..stop dragging me along with you!!!"

She storm out of the room and close the door forcefully.

I sit on the bed and sigh..

I missed her..thats what I realized.. I missed my sister so much..the very one that I got all along with.

I still can remember when Julie and I were close to each other. She is my only sibling, so we were like bestfriends and sisters as well.. We shared every toys and played together when we were young. We defended each other everytime one will be bullied around. We used to sleep together, shared secrets and doing just any other things together. I really missed those moments, and I miss her too very much.

We just had a gap when we started our college lives. My dad wanted us to take up business course for us to enable to run our very own shoe factory business. Julie was okay with it because thats what she dreamed become just like him. She's just a year ahead of me and she's showing enough effort to impress him.

Unlike her, I dont want to become a businesswoman. All I wanted and dreamed of is to become a nurse someday. I want to take good care of the sick..ever since it was my passion and it still is.

But, my dream had scratch off when dad planned it otherwise. He pressured me on taking the course or else I will never have a chance to continue my studies. At first, I refused and just until he had a heart attacked that took his life, everything changed. I took up the course and Im now on my 3rd year. Everybody blamed me.. well, more on hated me for my father's death. My mom gave me a cold shoulder since then, and so was Julie.

Thats the very reason we had a family gap and that gap is suffocating me until I became a rebellious daughter and a stubborn sister.

If Julie will ever know that her boyfriend cheated on her, she will be devastated for sure. I dont want her to be thats why I decided to never tell her, even if she will hate me for doing so.


Im on my way to the school entrance when I spotted a very familiar guy making out with a girl at the back of the gate. They are oblivious to the sorrounding that they dont even know students are talking and whispering about them. Usually I just dont mind when I see people making a scene, specially a kissing scene..because it is a normal thing to do being a teenager. But, what catches my attention is the familiar built of the guy. Out of curiosity, I step closer to them and just realized who the guy is when he turn around wearing a satisfied smile.

My sister's jerky boyfie???!!!

Shock is an understatement to describe him at the moment, and I know I mirror him with the same expression as well.. My own shock turn to anger when I see him smirk.

I didn't realized what I just did if I didn't hear the girl behind him, gasped. I slapped him?! Of course, thats what he deserved.

"How dare you?", he asked with shock still visible on his face, cupping his reddened face.

"Really Karl?? That stupid question is for you dumbass!! HOW DARE YOU cheating behind my sister's back?!", I yelled.

"And so you want me to do it infront of her instead?, he widen his smirk.

The nerve of this guy!!!! Arrggh!!

God knows how I really wanted to wipe that smirk on his face again with my slap.

I turn to the girl behind him and look her from head to toe. Uncomfortable with my stare, she hide herself more behind the dumbass' back.. And so this is the bitch he is cheating with.?? Gosh! Julie is much more better than her in so many ways..

"You are cheating behind my sister over some bitch? Woah!!! You've got the guts dumbass!!! But let me tell you this, if ever I will be seeing you hanging out with my sister again? I will make sure you and your bitch are so damn dead!!!".

I saw him shifted his feet uncomfortably..
"So what are you going to do? Tell Julie everything? Im not sure about that.. with the two of us Im sure she will believe me more than you".

This time I use my laugh to intimidate him. I saw him tense.

"Well, try me.. if and if you are going to go against my will.. you will see your car in the junk shop..sooner than later.. how about that dumbass??".

Out my last alas. I know for a fact he loves his car more than anything, so Im pretty sure this will work.

When I see him stun and speechless, I give him my sweetest ever smile then I wink to the girl and walk away .

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