Part 7

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Chapter 7.

The next day Skylar had woken up. She was a nervous wreck.  That dream that she had the night before really had her thinking. She didn't know what to do, after all her and Javion weren't even talking like that anyways. So what could she be worried about. It was just a dream.  So she got up and went to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, and while she was brushing she noticed a bee in the corner of her eye! She freaked out. And ran to her room to change into her clothes.  she finished changing into her clothes and headed off to school.

When she was walking towards the school doors she wasn't paying any attention and she ran into Javion! As soon as she noticed what just had happened Skylar had a rush of butterflies in her stomach a rush that she couldn't explain. "Oh my bad" said Javion, "Oh its fine your totally fine.... it was all me" said Skylar nervously. "Hey you okay? you look a little nervous" said Javion. "Oh yeah.... yeah.... i'm good. Everything's just great" Skylar replied back. "Well do you want me to walk you to class or something" said Javion. "No you go ahead ill see you in Computers" replied Skylar. All Skylar could think about is the feeling of running into his chest.

When Skylar's first hour started she was still thinking about what happened she couldn't even think straight. And then a crazy thing happened (Well not crazy but crazy). Javion asked her for a pencil! Skylar Flipped out with excitement for no apparent reason. 

A couple of hours had went by and it was time for Lunch. Ariela came running for Skylar because she couldn't wait for her to eat lunch at their so cool , awesome new tables in the cafeteria.  While Skylar was in the Lunch Line, She noticed Javion about to get in Line to. She just stared. Meanwhile Ariela noticed how she was looking at him, but she didnt say anything. Now they were at the table and of course Mya comes over to. "Oh yeah" Says Skylar. "Mya this is Ariela, Ariela this is Mya" Said Skylar. "Nice too meet you" They both said. "So, Skylar?" Ariela says. "I see the way you look at him" said Ariela."Look at who?!" Said Skylar hoping she wouldn't say Javion. "You know Who i'm talking about" said Ariela. "Javion?!" Mya said as she jumped in the conversation. "Javion the new kid?, Really guys come on, i would NEVER" replied Skylar. "I Knew it!!" Said Ariela Cheerfully. "What so you like him or something?" Said Mya. "Well... no... but he is very cute." Said Skylar. Then the bell rang. and Lunch was over. "We'll finish this conversation later" said Mya.

As the hours Went By... it was Skylar's free period so she just roamed the halls. As she was doing that she seen Javion at his Locker, so of course she had to go up to him. "Hey Javion" Said Skylar. "Wassup" replied Javion. "Nothing Much Really, Just roaming the halls".Said Skylar. "Oh really, Shouldn't you be in class". Said Javion with a smirk on his face. "NO, actually i have a free period right now". replied Skylar. "Oh Same". said Javion. Skylar's face lit up with amusement. She was so happy to hear that. "Well I got to go" said Javion. "Why do you hae to go right now, how about we hang out or something." Said Skylar. "Nah sorry i wont be able to, maybe some other time" Replied Javion. Skylar had tried. But it is what it is. Then the last hour of the school day past and Skylar went on home.  When she got home Asia was in the Kitchen cooking Pizza Rolls. Skylar knew she was cooking pizza rolls because she could smell the cheese and pepperoni like it had just come out of the oven. After Skylar had came home and ate she ad took a nap because she was pooped after the day she had had. She had awaken at about 6:00 pm and noticed that she got a text from Mya. It had said


Hey, Sky I need to tell you something tomorrow in gym. Meet me at the track and we'll talk about it there.


Skylar so had a headache from all of this overwhelming stuff. Could she take it any longer. Too much was happening too fast. So a couple more hours had passed and Skylar was tired again so she Went to her bed and turnt off the lights. She just peered out at her window and she was thinking about what Mya was going to tell her. Then She closed her eyes and Went to Sleep.

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