Part 8

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(chapter eight)

The next day at school. Skylar really didn't want to be their. So she just went on to her first hour to get on with the day. In her first hour her teacher announced that they would be doing a project. They needed to be in pairs of two. The project was to do a poster and have it turned in by Monday the following week. "Hey Skylar, do you want to be my partner!" yelled Ariela. "Sure why not" replied Skylar. So they went on doing their projects and suddenly their was a knock on the classroom door. Skylar jumped up to go get it. It was Javion! "Oh... hey". Javion walked in and went to the teacher. He gave her a late pass from the office because he showed up late. Ariela and Skylar had nearly finished their poster, but they decided to finish it at Skylar's house because class was almost over. So after class Skylar went to her locker. She had grabbed her books and closed her locker. When she closed her locker Javion was standing behind it. "Surprise" said Javion. "Hey" replied Skylar. "So what class do you have right now?" asked Javion. "Oh i have Biology." replied Skylar.  "well I'll catch up with you later" said Skylar. Then Skylar went to Biology. In her Biology class she met a girl names Lashia. Lashia was tall, and African American. She also had blackish-brown hair. So after a couple hours it was time for gym.

Skylar was a little nervous to go to gym because, she didn't know what Mya was going to say. So Skylar met Mya out on the track. "Hey Skylar" said Mya. "Hey so what were you supposed to tell me" replied Skylar. "Oh yeah... I think Javion likes me" said Mya. Skylar was a little nervous when she had said that. "Umm why do you say that" said Skylar nervously. "Because he stares at me all the time" said Mya. "So... someone can stare at you and not like you." said Skylar. "Yeah... your probably right" said Mya. After that Gym was over and it was time for Free Period. All Skylar could think about was What Mya had said to her. But she didn't try to pay it any mind. and she went to her locker. As she was standing at her locker she noticed Javion walking up to her. "Sup" said Skylar. So they walked and walked. They were going to the auditorium.

"What are we doing here?" said Skylar. "I just like being here." replied Javion. So they walked down the auditorium steps and found the seats farthest from the entrance. "So how are you liking the school so far" said Javion. "Its cool, their are some nice people here" replied Skylar. they talked and talked and shred some laughs. "So can i ask you a question?" said Javion. "LOL you just did" replied Skylar. "Yeah.. i guess your right" said Javion. "But.... here's the real question. Do you want to-" The school bell rings. "Oh I'm sorry i have to go, I'll catch up with you later" said Skylar. Then they both went to class. After a couple of hours school was over. Skylar went to go find Ariela so that she could ride with her and her mom.

"Hello, Who might this young lady be" said Skylar's mom. "Oh I'm Ariela" Then the drove home to work on their project. When they got Their Skylar took Ariela up to her room so that they could work on their project.

"Wow you have a nice room" said Ariela. "Thanks, its nearly done" replied Skylar. They worked and finished their poster. "So tell me about you and Javion" Said Ariela. "Well we hung out today for a little bit during free period, replied Skylar.  "OMG, what happened!" said Ariela. "And why would i tell you" said Skylar. "Because I'm basically your Best friend" said Ariela. "Well we hung out at the auditorium." "OH MY GOODNESS! did he say anything?" said Ariela. "Actually yeah. He was going to ask me something but then the bell rung." said Skylar. "Oh" said Ariela. Then Skylar thought about something. "WHAT IF HE WAS GOING TO ASK ME OUT!" yelled Skylar. "ehh... i don't know" said Ariela. "What do you mean I don't know you were just on board with me?" said Skylar. "I said i don't know because... I heard that he was going to ask out Mya or something" said Ariela. Skylar just sat down in shock. "I'm sorry" said Ariela. "Ariela!!! Your mother is here to pick you up" yelled Skylar's mom. "well i guess ill see you on Monday." "Everything is going to be fine." said Ariela. So Ariela had gone home and Skylar felt so stupid. Why would he even like her? she thought. To be Honest she didn't even know if if she even liked him. So to get her mind off of things she went on Instagram. Javion had posted a picture of himself in a Basketball Jersey because he was really Into sports. She really didn't want to like it. But she did anyway. So many thoughts were rolling around in her head. What if he really was going to ask her out. She thought. She was to stressed over everything so she decided to lay her head down and go to sleep.

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