Part 9

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(chapter Nine)

It saw Saturday. "Skylar! Skylar! wake up" screamed Asia. "What do you want!" Skylar yelled back. "Umm, you have someone on the phone waiting to talk to you! So don't get mad at me." said Asia. "really someone for... me?" thought Skylar. Asia handed her the phone. "Hello?" said Skylar, "Hey!" replied a mysterious voice. "Who is this?" replied Skylar. "Javion." "JAVION HOW DID YOU GET MY NUMBER?" replied Skylar.  "umm... I'll tell you later" said Javion. "What do you mean later, its Saturday, I'm not going to see you." said Skylar. "Well if you meet me at the park, you'll find out." said Javion. 'You want me to meet you at the park" said Skylar. "Yeah, meet me there at 3:00pm." replied Javion.  Oh my goodness i cant believe that I am going to the park with Javion in 30 minutes! thought Skylar. What am i going to wear? Skylar looked over and over the perfect clothes. Then she finally found the perfect outfit. it was a cropped shirt that has the numbers 89 in black and white printed on it. And some black leggings to go with it. And to put her outfit together. Some high-top converse.

She walked down stairs and told her mom she was going out to go meet a friend. So she left the house and started walking. While she was walking she noticed birds flying around her. And the sky was lit up with bright white clouds. She could here the cars honking from a distance. as she kept walking she saw the park a few 100 feet away from her. Skylar wanted to make sure she was prepared. So she was so she walked in, and started looking for Javion.

She finally found him. He was sitting on a bench with a Blue Hoodie on. "Hey, you came" said Javion. (Of course i did I'm trying to figure out why you want Mya and not me) "Of Course I came" replied Skylar. "So what do you want to do?" said Javion. "We can take a walk" replied Skylar. So they both agreed to walk.  So they walked and Walked, until they couldn't walk anymore. So that sat down on the nearest bench.  "Hey i have to tell you something" Said Javion. "What is it?" replied Skylar. "I like Mya..." said Javion. "Oh... you do?" replied Mya. "Yes, she's so freaking pretty and funny and cool... She's so Hot" replied Javion. "Umm.. okay... so why are you telling me?" replied Skylar. "Because i want to know if you think that its okay to go with her." said Javion. "Sure.. i mean if you want to.." replied Skylar. "You dont seem to on board with this.." said Javion. "Oh.. I'm fine..." said Skylar. "You sure?" replied Javion.  "Yeah.. but now i have to go" said Skylar. "okay.  i guess i'll see you at school." said Javion. Skylar ignored him. She ran home. She ran upstairs to her bedroom and she slammed the door. All she could do was Cry. She shed tears. So many tears. She wanted to do so many things to herself. "I can't believe that i could have even thought!" she screamed. "Her sister heard her crying on the other side of her door. "You okay?" said Asia. "NO! GO AWAY! replied Skylar. Asia walked in the room. " I know your not okay." said Asia. "I'm fine." said Skylar. "okay" said Asia. Asia walked out of her room. Skylar was so mad, and sad. She didn't know what to do at all. She decided to call Ariela. "Hello?" said Ariela.  All Skylar could do was Cry.
"OMG Skylar are you alright!?" Skylar didn't answer. "I'm coming over!" said Ariela. Then she hung up. Skylar didn't even know what to do like why was she crying over a boy? A boy that she doesn't even know if she liked yet. She was so confusing. So many thoughts rolled around her head. Then their was a ring on the doorbell. Skylar ran downstairs to the door. "Skylar! you look like a mess!" said Ariela. "Hey Ari" said Skylar's mom. "Skylar did you know she was coming over?" said Skylar's mom. "yep" replied Skylar. Then they walked up to her room.

"Girl what happened?" said Ariela. "Javion happened." replied Ariela. "Oh know. he told you?" said Ariela. "Yes!" said Skylar. "how did he do it." said Ariela. "He invited me to the park, and so i went then we walked and got tired, then he asked me how i would feel about it." replied Skylar "And what did you say?" said Ariela. " I said that he should do whatever he feels" said Skylar. "Oh... Its going to be fine." said Ariela. "Know its not OKAY!" Skylar yelled. "I have to see his stupid face on Monday!" said Skylar. "Okay well just ignore him and your classes will go by faster." said Ariela. "I know, but he always tries to talk to me during my free period." said Skylar. "Then just say you have to finish up some homework." said Ariela. "Okay. i guess i can do that" replied Skylar. So then they went downstairs to the patio. "Hey do you think your mom would mind if I spent the night?" said Ariela. "I don't know she has to meet your mom first." said Skylar. "okay" replied Ariela. "But we can see if you can next weekend." said Skylar. "Okay" said Ariela. Then they just sat there thinking. Then suddenly something started ringing. IT WAS SKYLAR'S PHONE. and guess who it was. IT WAS JAVION. "Should i answer it?" said Skylar "Yes girl hurry up and answer the phone!!" Screamed Ariela. Skylar Answered it. "Hello?" she said. "Hey" said Javion. "PUT THE PHONE ON SPEAKER!" whispered Ariela. "What do you want?" said Skylar. "I wanted to thank you." replied Javion. "For what?" said Skylar. "I took your advice and asked Mya out." said Javion. "Oh what.. so you think i told you to ask her out?" Skylar said madly. "Hey whats your deal" said Javion. "JUST LEAVE HER ALONE OKAY! " yelled Ariela inside the phone. Then they both hung up. "I can't believe this!" said Skylar. "Mya knows i kinda-sorta like Javion and she's going out with him!." yelled Skylar. "I know right NOBODY treats my best friend like this" said Ariela. Then their was somebody at the door. "Oh i guess that's for me" said Ariela. "I'll see you on Monday" said Ariela. "Okay, and lets see if you can stay over next weekend." Said Skylar. Then they walked over for both of their parents. "Hey mom, is it okay if Ariela stays over next weekend?" said Skylar. "Sure, but it has to be okay with her mother" said Skylar's mom. "Can I mom?" said Ariela. "Sure why not, and how about you to come over are house for dinner on Wednesday night." said Ariela's mom "Sure thing" said Skylar's mom.  Then Skylar went upstairs. She noticed that she had a text message from Javion. She read it but didn't reply. It said +: Call me, I need to talk to You :+. She decided that today was a long day. it was late anyway so she  went to go put on her pajamas. She Brushed her teeth and while she was doing that. She thought about how Monday was going to be so weird. but she still had another day before that so that was good. After she was done brushing her teeth she went to her bed. She went on Instagram until she fell asleep.

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